Creating a simplified test script

Use the recording feature of HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI), to record actions on the test applications. The actions on the test applications are generated in the form of a simplified test script when you stop recording. The generated simplified test script is displayed in the simplified Script editor in Test UI. You can also view the corresponding Java code of the recorded test script in the Java script editor.

Before you begin

  • The Enable Simplified Scripting option is enabled on the Functional Test Preferences page.
  • The test application and the required environments must be configured for functional testing.
  • A functional test project is created.


  1. Click File > New > Functional Test Script Using Recorder.

    The Record a Functional Test Script page is displayed.

  2. Select the project to associate the script and then enter a name for the script.
  3. Optional: Select Add the script to Source Control option to add the script to a source control.
  4. Select the Simplified Scripting option in the Select Mode list, if it is not already selected.
    Note: You can make simplified scripting as the default script mode by selecting the Default checkbox.
  5. Click Next.

    The Select Script Assets page is displayed.

  6. Modify the values of the test object map, helper superclass, or test dataset fields, if you do not want to use the default settings.
  7. Click Finish to start recording.
    The Recording Monitor is displayed and the recording starts.
  8. Click Start Application icon in the Recording Monitor toolbar to start the test application.
    • If the HTML test application has UI controls and the controls open a new window, you must perform any of the following actions to enable Test UI to capture the user actions on UI controls in the new window:
      • Click any area within the window.
      • Click the Maximize button on the window.
    • If you want to record verification points or data-drive your test script, you can use the tools available in the Recording Monitor toolbar.
    • If you want to insert statements to call another script, specify log information, timer or comments during recording, you can click Insert Script Support Commands in the Recording Monitor toolbar.
  9. Perform the actions in the test application that you want to record.

    The recording monitor displays the actions that you performed.

  10. Click Stop recording (Stop recording button ) when you finish recording.
    A simplified test script is generated and displayed in the simplified Script editor.