Removing instrumentation using the command prompt

Before you uninstall the data collection infrastructure, you must remove instrumentation from all application servers that were instrumented to work with the data collection infrastructure.

Before you begin

If you have uninstalled the application server or removed an instance of the application server, you cannot use the instrumentation utility to remove instrumentation from the server. This situation will block the data collection infrastructure uninstall process. Do not uninstall an application server before you have removed instrumentation from the application server.

Instrumented servers are listed in the file InstrumentationRegistry.xml. After you have removed instrumentation from a server, the InstrumentationRegistry.xml file will be empty of references to any application server. If you uninstall an application server before you have removed instrumentation, to uninstall the data collection infrastructure you must edit InstrumentationRegistry.xml to remove the applicationServer element for the application server that you uninstalled.


To remove instrumentation from application servers:

  1. Open a command prompt, and change directories to the instrument_comp folder in the data collection infrastructure installation directory. By default, on Microsoft Windows this directory is C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTest\DCI\rapa_prod\instrument_comp. On Linux and IBM® AIX®, this directory is /opt/HCL/DevOpsTest/DCI/rapa_prod/instrument_comp.
  2. Type the command name with the -uninstall argument and all of the other arguments that you used when instrumenting the server.
    The instrumentation utility, which is also used to remove instrumentation from servers, is on AIX® and Linux systems and instrumentServer.bat on Windows systems. Enter the command name with no arguments to see the syntax details for the command.
  3. Restart the server if prompted to do so.

What to do next

You can uninstall the data collection infrastructure.