Instrumenting servers by using the command prompt

You must instrument application servers to collect response time breakdown data. You can use either a command prompt or graphical user interface to instrument application servers to work with the data collection infrastructure.

Before you begin

The data collection infrastructure must be installed on each computer from which you want to collect performance data. The application server must be running. You must have administrator or root user privileges to instrument servers.


  1. Open a command prompt, and go to the instrument_comp folder in the directory where the data collection infrastructure is installed.
    By default, in Microsoft Windows, this directory is C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTest\DCI\rapa_prod\instrument_comp. In Linux and IBM® AIX®, this directory is /opt/HCL/DevOpsTest/DCI/rapa_prod/instrument_comp.
  2. Type the command name with the arguments to use to instrument a server. See the examples that follow.
    The instrumentation utility is on AIX® and Linux systems and instrumentServer.bat on Windows systems. Enter the command name with no arguments to see the syntax details for the command.
  3. After you have instrumented the application server, you might have to restart the application server.
    Instrumentation changes take effect after the application server is restarted.


Assume that you must instrument a Windows computer that is configured as follows:
  • IBM® WebSphere® Application Server, Version 7.0.
  • The server is named my_Server2.
  • The application server is installed in the C:\Program Files\was7.0 directory.
  • The profile name is default.
  • Security is enabled.
  • The server Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a 64-bit JVM.
Type the following command and arguments:

instrumentServer -install -type was7 -serverName my_Server2 -serverHome "C:\Program Files\was7.0" -serverVMArch 64 -user my_WAS_userId -password my_WAS_password -profileName default

To instrument a Linux computer that is equipped with a BEA WebLogic 10 application server, with configuration details as indicated, using the 32-bit version of JRockit JVM, type the following command and arguments:

./ -install -type wls10 -serverName server1 -serverHome /opt/bea/weblogic10 -serverVM oracle -serverVMArch 32 -startScript /opt/bea/weblogic10/mydomain/

To instrument a Liberty Profile, for -type use liberty85, and for -serverHome use the path to the Liberty server installation directory until wlp.

What to do next

Repeat the instrumentation steps for each application server that is involved in data collection for the applications that you will profile. Typically, there will be only one application server. You can instrument only one local application server per computer.