Viewing the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel activity log

If you are an administrator of HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel), you can view, download, and share the contents of the activity log. The activity log provides information about your activity across the various components of Test Virtualization. The data is particularly about the communication between, or control of these components; for example, recording and routing rules sent to proxies. You can view the activity log on the Test Virtualization Control Panel web UI.

About this task

When using HCL DevOps Test Virtualization (Test Virtualization), Test Virtualization Control Panel is a central point of coordination among agents and proxies when stubs are running. To facilitate management of the individual components of Test Virtualization, Test Virtualization Control Panel maintains an activity log that is a temporary view (unlike the audit log) of activity among the various components of Test Virtualization.

The activity log is intended primarily for Test Virtualization Control Panel administrators and it can provide a useful means of monitoring a Test Virtualization environment.

The log is stored for a configurable number of days (default value: three days) and it can be exported to a comma-separated value (CSV) file, which can be shared with anyone who is not a Test Virtualization Control Panel user but who might be affected by, or be involved in supporting, Test Virtualization Control Panel or Test Virtualization.

When the Activity log page is first displayed, the most recent events are displayed first.


  1. Log into Test Virtualization Control Panel.
  2. Click the Administration navigation link.

    Alternatively, click the Administration icon on the Home page.

    The Administration page is displayed.

  3. Click the Activity log tab.

    The Activity log tab is displayed.

    The columns on the tab are as follows:
    • Created (Received)
    • Source (Source type and hostname are displayed, if available. If source type and hostname are not available, the universally unique identifier (UUID) of the source is displayed.)
    • Message

    The following table describes how use the controls on the tab:

    Table 1. Activity log tab controls
    To: Do this:

    View individual pages of log entries.

    Click the Back and Forward buttons above Auto update to view the oldest and newest entries in large activity logs.

    Enable or disable automatic updates of the log.

    Select or clear the Enable check box as required.

    Note: If you want analyze individual events in a large activity log, disabling automatic updates may be helpful. To refresh the activity log page after automatic updates have been disabled, re-enable automatic updates by selecting the Enable check box.

    Save the currently displayed activity log (for archiving and/or sharing purposes).

    1. Under Export, Click Download as CSV. Your web browser will prompt you to open or save the log export file.

    2. Click Open, Save (or Save as, or Save as and open), or Cancel (whichever is applicable).

    Specify the number of days that activity log entries are stored before they are purged from the server.

    1. Under Log expiry, enter or select the number of days in the After field.

    2. Click Set.

    Note: After clicking Set, any entries older than the new setting will be purged immediately.

    Filter the display of log entries by date.

    1. Under Date range, click the From field to display a calendar pop-up window that enables you to select a start date.

    2. In the To list, click last entry: to filter the list up to the most recent log entry, or click date: to specify a specific end date.

    3. If you clicked date: in the To list, click the field under To to display a calendar pop-up window that enables you to select a an end date.

    Filter the display of log entries by log level.

    Under Level, click All values to display all log entries for all log levels, or click an individual log level to display log entries for only that log level.

    Note: To select more than one log level, hold CTRL or SHIFT while clicking each log level.

    Filter the display of log entries by log source-type.

    Under Source type, click All values to display all log entries for all log source-types, or click an individual log source-type to display log entries for only that log source-type.

    Note: To select more than one log source-type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while clicking each source-type.
    Note: If an expected type is not displayed under Source type, there are no log entries of that type.

    Filter the display of log entries by log source host.

    Under Source host, click All values to display all log entries for all log source hosts, or click an individual log source host to display log entries for only that log source host.

    Note: To select more than one log source host, hold CTRL or SHIFT while clicking each source host.
    Note: If an expected host is not displayed under Source host, there are no log entries involving that host.