Viewing the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel audit log

If you are an administrator of HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel), you can view the contents of the audit log. The audit log provides information about your overall activity in Test Virtualization Control Panel (for example, failed login attempts, starting and stopping stubs, creating and deleting environments, and creating and deleting domains). These data may be useful for security reasons and for finding out who initiated a particular change (for example, who stopped a stub or who deleted a domain). You can view the audit log on the Test Virtualization Control Panel web UI.

About this task

Test Virtualization Control Panel audits significant events. Audit entries are saved between server restarts, and they are preserved during upgrade installations of the server but only if the workspace of Test Virtualization Control Panel is preserved.

When the Audit log page is first displayed, all audit entries from the previous 48 hours are shown, starting with the oldest.

Note: Only action-types and user names with associated audit events are displayed.


  1. Log into Test Virtualization Control Panel.
  2. Click the Administration navigation link.

    Alternatively, click the Administration icon on the Home page.

    The Administration page is displayed.

  3. Click the Audit log tab.

    The Audit log tab is displayed.

    The columns on the tab are as follows:
    • Date and time
    • Source
    • Action
    • Description
    • User
    • Domain
    • Environment

    The following table describes how use the controls on the tab:

    Table 1. Audit log tab controls
    To: Do this:

    View individual pages of log entries.

    Click the Back and Forward buttons above Date range to view the oldest and newest entries in large audit logs.

    Filter the display of log entries by date.

    1. Under Date range, click the From field to display a calendar pop-up window that enables you to select a start date.

    2. In the To list, click last entry: to filter the list up to the most recent log entry, or click date: to specify a specific end date.

    3. If you clicked date: in the To list, click the field under To to display a calendar pop-up window that enables you to select a an end date.

    Filter the display of log entries by action-type.

    Under Action, click All values to display all log entries for all action-types, or click an individual action-type to display log entries for only that action-type.

    Note: To select more than one action-type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while clicking each action-type.

    Filter the display of log entries by user name.

    Under User, click All values to display log entries for all users, or click an individual user name to display log entries for only that user.

    Note: To select more than one user name, hold CTRL or SHIFT while clicking each user name.

    Clear all entries from the audit log permanently.

    1. Click Clear log. A confirmation prompt is displayed.

    2. Click OK.