Synchronization of resources in DevOps Test Integrations and APIs

You can find information about the synchronization feature in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) so that you can model a system for testing with IBM® App Connect Enterprise. After you create a logical integration node for IBM® App Connect Enterprise in Test Integrations and APIs, you can set up the integration node as a synchronization source.

In IBM® App Connect Enterprise, an integration server is a named group of message flows that is assigned to an integration node. HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) uses integration servers to provide a level of filtering during synchronization. When IBM® App Connect Enterprise is a shared resource used by several teams with each team having a separate integration server, Test Integrations and APIs creates operations for each of the integration servers during synchronization.

A logical integration node becomes the container for many of the resources created during synchronization. For example, operations that are based on the message flows of the selected IBM® App Connect Enterprise integration servers.

Supported message flow nodes and transports in IBM® App Connect Enterprise

When you synchronize Test Integrations and APIs with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the logical integration node asset is populated with service components and other artifacts in the Test Integrations and APIs project.

During synchronization, Test Integrations and APIs queries the IBM® App Connect Enterprise integration node and retrieves details about applications and message flows deployed on the integration node. After synchronization, the following views of the Architecture School perspective in Test Integrations and APIs are populated:
  • The Logical View is populated with service components that represent the applications and message flows. Within these service components, operations are created to reflect the capabilities of the message flow.

    For example, a message flow that includes a WebSphere® MQ Input node and a WebSphere® MQ Reply node is mapped to a Request-Reply operation bound to a WebSphere® MQ transport.

  • The Physical View is populated with the physical configurations for the logical transports that were created in Logical View.
Note: If the applications and message flows use nodes that are not currently supported by synchronization but Test Integrations and APIs is capable of testing or virtualizing the associated transport, then you must manually create service components and operations to model the system.


After Test Integrations and APIs is synchronized with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the logical integration bus is populated with operations that correspond to the message flow nodes within the broker message flows.

Each supported message flow node that exposes a service endpoint or that which consumes another service endpoint is mapped to an operation in the logical model of the Test Integrations and APIs project.

Before you select the tests to create based on the operation created, you must review the message exchange pattern (MEP) for that operation.

Before you select the stubs to create for an operation, you must review the stub settings for the operation.

The following nodes are supported to be created as operations in Test Integrations and APIs:

CICS nodes

When Test Integrations and APIs is synchronized with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the supported CICS nodes are analyzed and mapped to operations in Test Integrations and APIs.

The CICSRequest node for CICS in IBM® App Connect Enterprise is supported in Test Integrations and APIs.

HTTP nodes

Note: Test Integrations and APIs does not support synchronization of IBM® App Connect Enterprise integration node by using HTTPS.
When Test Integrations and APIs is synchronized with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the supported HTTP nodes are analyzed and mapped to operations in Test Integrations and APIs.
The following nodes for HTTP in IBM® App Connect Enterprise are supported in Test Integrations and APIs:
  • HTTPAsyncRequest
  • HTTPInput
  • HTTPRequest
  • HTTPReply
  • HTTPHeader
  • HTTPAsynchronousResponse

IMS nodes

When Test Integrations and APIs is synchronized with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the supported IMS nodes are analyzed and mapped to operations in Test Integrations and APIs.

The IMSRequest node for IMS in IBM® App Connect Enterprise is supported in Test Integrations and APIs.

MQTT nodes

When Test Integrations and APIs is synchronized with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the supported MQTT nodes are analyzed and mapped to operations in Test Integrations and APIs.

The following nodes for MQTT in IBM® App Connect Enterprise are supported in Test Integrations and APIs:
  • MQTTSubscribe
  • MQTTPublish

Web services nodes

When Test Integrations and APIs is synchronized with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the HTTP-based supported web services nodes are analyzed and mapped to operations in Test Integrations and APIs.

WebSphere® MQ nodes

When synchronizing with IBM® App Connect Enterprise, the supported message flow nodes are analyzed and mapped to operations in Test Integrations and APIs.

The following nodes for WebSphere® MQ in IBM® App Connect Enterprise are supported in Test Integrations and APIs:
  • MQInput
  • MQOutput
  • MQReply
  • MQGet
  • MQHeader

You can start the synchronization with IBM® App Connect Enterprise from Test Integrations and APIs. See Synchronizing DevOps Test Integrations and APIs with the IBM App Connect Enterprise integration node.