Modifying or deleting data masks

To modify a schema specific data mask in your Test Integrations and APIs project, use the Schema Library view of the Architecture School perspective. To delete a schema specific data mask, use the Recording Studio perspective or the Schema Library view. To modify a non-schema specific data mask in your Test Integrations and APIs project, use the Rule Cache view of the Architecture School perspective. To delete a non-schema specific data mask, use the Recording Studio perspective or the Rule Cache view.

About this task

If permissions in Test Integrations and APIs are being used to control which users can create, modify, or delete data masks, you may require permissions before you can modify or delete data masks.
Note: This topic describes only the Schema Library method of modifying or deleting a schema specific data mask and the Rule Cache method of modifying or deleting a non-schema specific data mask.


  1. To modify or delete a schema specific data mask, complete the following tasks:
    1. Open the Schema Library view of the Architecture School perspective.
    2. On the left side of the view, select the relevant schema category.
    3. Under Schemas, select the relevant schema.
    4. In the Operation list on the Config tab, select the relevant operation.
    5. In the Operation list on the Config tab, select the relevant operation.
    6. Select the text node of the relevant message element.
    7. Click the Data Masking tab (if required).
    8. If you want to modify the selected mask:
      • Make your changes on the Technique Configuration area.
      • Click Save.
    9. If you want to delete the selected data mask, click Delete.
  2. To modify or delete a non-schema specific data mask, complete the following tasks:
    1. Open the Rule Cache view of the Architecture School perspective.
    2. On the left side of the view, select the relevant data mask.
    3. If you want to modify the selected mask:
      • On the Config tab, enter or edit a comment in the Comment field.
      • Click Save.
    4. If you want to delete the selected data mask, click Delete.


If you modified a schema specific or non-schema specific data mask, the configuration of the data mask is updated.

If you deleted a schema specific data mask, the data mask is removed from the Schema Library view window.

If you deleted a non-schema specific data mask, the data mask is removed from the Rule Cache view window.