Events view

The Events View displays events that are captured by enabled event monitors. The perspective at the right of Recording Studio is divided into two views: a list of captured events on top and details for the selected event at the bottom. Within the view, you can send a response to selected events or run and manage triggers.

The events table displays the captured events and includes the event sequence ID, the event type, the time when the event was captured, the source of the event, and the event description. The event sequence ID indicates the order in which the selected event was captured during this Test Integrations and APIs session, relative to other events. Captured events can be saved as tests, stubs, triggers, requirements, operations, and test data sets. Within the view, you can send a response to selected events or run and manage triggers.

The displayed details vary according to the type of event.
  • For message-based events, the message body and header contents are displayed. To apply a new schema to a message-based event, right-click the root node and click Schema.
    The Schema option on a menu.

    In the Schema Selector window, select a category, type, schema, and root. The schema need not be a Test Integrations and APIs schema, or a schema that is already available in the Schema Library. For more information, see Applying schemas and formats to messages.

  • For SQL events, Overview and Result Set tabs are displayed, depending on the type of SQL statement.

The following table lists the details that are displayed for SQL statements.

Table 1. SQL events details
SQL statement Details displayed
  • Overview.
    • SQL Statement.
    • Number of affected rows.
    • Input parameters (for prepared statements only). Optional.
  • Overview.
    • SQL Statement.
    • Input parameters (for prepared statements only). Optional.
  • A result set.
  • Overview.
    • SQL Statement.
    • Input parameters. Optional.
    • Output parameters. Optional.
  • Zero, or more, result sets.
Note: If an Input parameter and Output parameter have the same index, it indicates that the parameter is an Input/Output parameter.