Adding the GHDotNetUtils.dll file to the global assembly cache

By adding the GHDotNetUtils.dll file to the global assembly cache, you will ensure that the file is available to HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) when it is required.

About this task

Before adding the GHDotNetUtils.dll file to the global assembly cache (GAC), install the following software:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4
  • Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7
  • .NET Framework 4


  1. Open a Windows SDK command prompt.
    Note: You must run the command prompt as administrator.
  2. Enter a command using the following syntax:
    gacutil /i <Test Integrations and APIs installation directory>\GHDotNetUtils.dll
  3. To verify that the file has been added to the GAC, enter the following command:
    gacutil /l GHDotNetUtils.dll


You are now ready to start using Test Integrations and APIs with .NET objects.