Test asset creation and recording

HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) enables you to record events in the system under test and recorded messages can be used to create tests and stubs more quickly and accurately. This can act as base message and test data for creating ongoing test assets.

Test asset creation

While you are creating test assets from recording, ensure that you map the appropriate service operation in Test Integrations and APIs. In some cases, Test Integrations and APIs takes the header name as the operation name from the recorded message, which is not always correct, so you need to verify the operation name.

You can create unit and integration tests from recorded messages:
  • Select unit test if you want to create a test that forms a single message sequence because you want to validate each component individually.
  • Select integration test if you want to create a test that forms a multiple message sequence.

Before you record IBM® WebSphere® MQ messages, install the relevant Test Integrations and APIs API exit on the queue manager. Installing an API exit on a queue manager enables you to record messages from multiple queues from the queue manager without the need for any client or server configuration.