Service-oriented architecture (SOA) testing

A SOA consists of business processes that are implemented by linking individual services. The linking can be done programmatically or with tools based on Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). SOA testing can be challenging because there is no GUI; the focus is on testing interfaces and services.

HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) is based on the Service Component Architecture (SCA), which provides a programming model for building applications and systems based on an SOA. For more information about SCA, see Service Component Architecture (SCA)

Based on this concept, the three main components that are used in Test Integrations and APIs SOA design are:
  • Operations are transactions that represent single, logical units of work. The execution of an operation typically causes one or more persistent data records to be read, written, or modified. An Operation has a structured interface for invocation and response.
  • Services are granular, self-contained groupings of business operations. The focus on services is different from traditional GUI applications as a service is neither a complete application nor a single subsystem. Instead, a service is designed to maximize reuse and must be stateless. Additionally, a service will be able to accommodate multiple invocation patterns (for example, SOAP over HTTP for synchronous implementations or SOAP over JMS for asynchronous implementations).
  • A Business Process is long-running set of actions or activities that are performed with specific business goals in mind. Business processes typically encompass multiple service invocations.