Creating an email publisher

You can set up an email as a result publisher.

About this task

To create a publisher, do the following steps:


  1. The Add Result Publisher dialog is used to create a publisher.
  2. Select E-mail as the publisher type from the Result Publisher Type combination list and provide a name for the publisher in the Result Publisher Name field (only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores are permitted).
  3. In the Hostname field, enter the hostname or IP address of the mail server and enter the SMTP port in the Port field (port 25 is used by default). If the server requires authentication for sending, enter the user name and password of a valid email user.

    A default subject is supplied in the Subject field, which can be changed if wanted (tags are supported). In the From field, enter the email address to use as the sender when results are published by Test Integrations and APIs.

    Recipients for the new publisher are specified in the To field. To add one or more recipients, click Add and enter one or more email addresses in the Add Recipient dialog (multiple addresses that are separated by a semi-colon can be entered or pasted). To modify an existing recipient, select it and click Edit. To remove a recipient from the list, select it and click Remove.