Test artifact documentation

All Test Integrations and APIs test artifacts (for example, tests, suites, messages, test templates) contain a Documentation tab in their respective editors.

Within this tab, users can enter a description of the artifact (in the Description field), an optional link to an external document related to the artifact (in the External Documentation field), and an optional External ID for the artifact. The default location for external documentation can be defined under Project settings, and external documents can be launched in an associated program or by using a user-defined command, as described in Applications preferences preferences.

Note: If an external documents extension is not associated with an application or command, you are prompted to provide one when you are trying to launch the document.

More details about the selected artifact (that is, date and time that the artifact is created and updated, internal ID, ID of the user who created and last updated the artifact, and the artifacts source within the project) are also provided within the Documentation tab.