Task flow for testing with the email transport

You can find information about the tasks that you can perform in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) for testing with the email transport.

The following table provides a list of the tasks that you can perform for testing with Kafka along with the link to the corresponding topic for the details of the task.

Task More information
1. You must complete the prerequisite tasks. Prerequisites for testing with the email transport
2. You must create a logical email resource in the Architectural School perspective for the email transport. Creating logical email resources
3. You must configure the physical resources for the logical resource. Creating physical resources for logical email resources
4. You must set up a Service Component that uses an email server as the physical resource before you can create tests or stubs. Creating a service component
5. You must set up an Operation that uses an email server as the physical resource before you can create tests or stubs. Creating an operation
6. If you are testing an email service, you can set up the message exchange pattern (MEP) for messaging in the email service. Configuring the MEP settings for the email transport
7. Create tests for each of the supported messaging actions for testing with the email resources in Test Integrations and APIs. Supported messaging patterns for email resources
8. You can specify the stubbing settings based on the MEP for the email resources. Stubbing settings for the email transport