Rendezvous transport

You must be aware of the requirements that must be satisfied for HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) to work with TIBCO Rendezvous.

The following are the requirements:
  • The tibrvj.jar library is required. The default location of this library depends on the version of TIBCO Rendezvous, as shown in the following table:
    Rendezvous Version Default Location for Windows systems
    TIBCO Rendezvous 6 and 7 c:\tibco\tibrv\lib
    TIBCO Rendezvous 8.1 c:\tibco\tibrv\8.1\lib
    TIBCO Rendezvous 8.3 c:\tibco\tibrv\8.3\lib
    TIBCO Rendezvous 8.4 c:\tibco\tibrv\8.4\lib
    Note: You can modify the default locations for the specified libraries by using Library Manager. For more information, see Working with Library Manager.
  • Because the Rendezvous transport uses Java Native Interface (JNI), Test Integrations and APIs requires access to the following libraries:
    • Rendezvous native libraries
    • Java libraries

    On all systems, the PATH variable must include the Rendezvous bin folder. On non-Windows systems, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LIBPATH variable must include the Rendezvous lib folder.