Support for function invocation

HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) supports business application programming interface (BAPI) and remote function call (RFC) invocation by using the Send Request and Receive Reply messaging actions.

Send Request window, SAP transport (example)
The following table outlines the three styles of function invocation that are supported by Test Integrations and APIs:
Table 1. SAP business objection function invocation support
Function invocation style Description


Normal procedure call semantics.

Sends a request and blocks until a reply is received.
Note: If you are using Test Integrations and APIs 8.6.0 or later, any exceptions that occur during a synchronous RFC invocation will be included in the reply message structure.

Transactional (tRFC)

Asynchronous procedure call semantics.

A request is sent and control returns immediately to the caller. No reply is received, so meaningful testing relies upon knowledge of any side-effects in the SAP system.

This style does not guarantee execution order on the server.

Queued (qRFC)

Asynchronous procedure call semantics.

A request is sent to the specified server queue and control returns immediately to the caller. No reply is received, so meaningful testing relies upon knowledge of any side-effects in the SAP system.

This style guarantees execution order on the server for all RFC invocations to a particular queue.

A valid queue name must be provided in order for the invocation to be processed successfully. Clicking Browse displays a pop-up window that shows all inbound queue patterns that match the queue name.

Send Request window, Inbound Queues pop-up window
Note: Entering text in the Queue name field filters the list of matching patterns.
Note: To select a schema on the message editor , right-click the message and click ROOT. This action lists all the available SAP BAP and RFC schemas.