Viewing Machine learning analyzers

HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) analyzes certain types of tests that are run in a team space by using its Machine learning (ML) capabilities. You can view the list of analysers and description about the analyzers available in a Team space.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

If the Performance Tests or Schedules that are run from projects in a team space match the requirements and criteria for ML analysis, Test Hub analyzes the tests during their runs.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Infrastructure > Analyzers in the navigation pane.

    The Analyzers page is displayed.

    You can view the parameters that are supported for ML analysis listed in a tabular format. The information displayed is as follows:
    Column header Description
    Status Displays the status of the parameter analysis as active or inactive in the team space. The default value of the analysis is set as active or enabled.
    Name Displays the name of the parameters that are supported for ML analysis, which is as follows:
    • Response Time Lock-Step Pattern
    • Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern
    • Throughput Drop Pattern
    • Performance Agent Health
    Version Displays the version of the ML analyzer.
    Last Run Displays the date when the tests were run for the analysis.
    Unreviewed insights Displays the number of insights into the specific parameter analyzed from different tests that are not reviewed by the project members.
    Actions Displays the following icons for the actions that you can perform on each parameter analyzed:
    Icon Description
    Image of the edit analyzer icon. Displays the Edit Analyzer dialog when clicked. You can modify the analyzer settings for subsequent analysis.
    Image of the history icon. Displays a dialog that contains the list of the reactions marked by different members on insights into the specific parameter when clicked. The agreement or disagreement reactions by members with the date and time of marking them are listed in chronological order in the dialog. You can view the insight on the Insights page in the project when you click Image of the open insight icon..
  3. Click the Expand icon Image of the expand icon. of the parameter to view the details.

    The details of the parameter are displayed.

  4. Read the details about the analysis and recommendations for troubleshooting or resolving the problems detected in the analysis.

    See the information in the related links to understand how to interpret the analysis of the parameters.


You viewed the details of the parameters that are analyzed by Test Hub in tests that were run in the team space.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: