What's New

You can find information about the features introduced, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). You can also find the features that were introduced in earlier versions of Test Hub. DevOps Test Hub is the new name of HCL OneTest Server from 11.0.0 onwards.

What's New in DevOps Test Hub 2024.03 (11.0.1)

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Hub 2024.03 (11.0.1).

Feature title Description
Adding an external database connection and importing data to create test assets

You can now add an external database connection to a project in Test Hub, and then create a database query to import data from the database. You can also create test assets such as datasets and Data definitions by using the database query.

Enhanced the UI with the new Security page

You can now use the Security page to create and manage API secrets and dataset classifications. You can also add the credentials of external databases to data classifications.

You can now provide Read access to the classifications at the role level, while Write access is restricted. The Access Control List UI is enhanced so that you grant both Read and Write access to members with classification privileges. See Protecting API test assets by using secrets, Managing an encrypted dataset.

Installing and configuring the DevOps Test Hub Results Data plugin by using a proxy connection

You can now install and configure the DevOps Test Hub Results Data plugin by using a proxy connection in Grafana instead of using additional helm parameters during the installation of Test Hub. See Installing and configuring the DevOps Test Hub Results Data plugin.

Viewing resource monitoring usage data on Grafana

You can now view the resource monitoring usage data by creating queries on Grafana, and retrieve this data that is collected for a certain period during a test run in Test Hub. See Viewing resource monitoring usage data on Grafana.

What's New in earlier versions

What's New in 11.0.0

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Hub 11.0.0.

Feature title Description

Renaming of OneTest products

The following OneTest products have new names starting from 11.0.0:
  • HCL OneTest Server is now HCL DevOps Test Hub.
  • HCL OneTest UI is now HCL DevOps Test UI.
  • HCL OneTest API is now HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs.
  • HCL OneTest Performance is now HCL DevOps Test Performance.
  • HCL® Quality Server is now HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel.
  • HCL® OneTest Embedded is now HCL DevOps Test Embedded.
  • HCL OneTest Virtualization is now HCL DevOps Test Virtualization.
  • HCL OneTest Studio is now HCL DevOps Test Workbench.

Enhancements to the data fabrication feature

The data fabrication feature is enhanced and you can now perform the following tasks:
  • Create an empty Data definition, or import the header row fields from a CSV file or a dataset. You can then add the basic generators or modify the generators to suit your test data fabrication requirements.
  • Create folders in your project repository and select them as locations to save your data definitions.
  • Use the Save All option to save all files that are opened for editing or have unsaved changes.
  • Use the right-click options to close any or all files that are opened for editing or have unsaved changes.
  • Use the distribution parameter, which is enhanced to automatically allocate and rebalance the distribution among the existing and new configurations that are added subsequently.
  • Preview the sample test data for each configuration of a generator.

Changes to the Licensing environment variables

With the renaming of HCL OneTest Products to HCL DevOps Test Products in 11.0.0, the HCL Licensing environment variables that contained ONETEST are changed to be used without ONETEST. For example, the HCL_ONETEST_LICENSING_URL environment variable now must be called HCL_LICENSING_URL. Note that the old environment variable names are still supported.

Support to view configuration details of a Virtual Service instance

You can now view the configuration details of a Virtual Service that you configured during a run from the Instances page. The details such as the datasets selected for overrides, variables, JVM arguments, environment variables, and additional parameters are displayed, if they are configured.

Enhancements to editing datasets

The editing capabilities of datasets are further enhanced in Test Hub 11.0.0. You can now perform different actions to edit the dataset from the UI by using the Editing panel, the context menu options, and the insert options available in the Dataset panel.

New options to edit and save Data definitions

You can now use the right-click options for Data definitions from the Data Navigator to open the Data definition for editing or saving it as a different Data definition.

What's New in 10.5.4

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.4.

Feature title Description

Generation of test data enhanced through redesign

The test data generation that was previously possible by using HCL® OneTest Data is enhanced through the redesign of the user interface and the supported architecture and is now available in a new avatar.

You can use the in-built data generators or create customized data generators to suit your test data requirements. You can preview the test data in the UI before you generate the test data. You can also download the generated test data.

You can view the history of the test data generated, and you can regenerate the test data with or without altering any of the parameters used.

See Data fabrication.

Support for Machine learning insights on performance tests

HCL OneTest Server is enhanced to provide Machine learning (ML) insights on performance tests that match certain criteria when you run tests from projects in a team space. HCL OneTest Server uses ML algorithms to analyze the following types of parameters in performance tests:
  • Response Time Lock-Step Pattern
  • Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern
  • Throughput Drop Pattern

The findings from the analysis are presented as a recommendation for each of the parameters on the Infrastructure > Analyzers page in the team space.

You can improve ML recommendations by altering the default Threshold value that specifies the level of confidence required in the insights. You can also improve the accuracy of the recommendations by running multiple tests with differing loads repeatedly.

See Machine learning capabilities in DevOps Test Hub.

Enhanced the dataset editor and managing capabilities

The CSV Editor that is used to edit datasets is enhanced and now opens within the HCL OneTest Server UI, which previously opened in a separate browser tab.

Further, the pages and the methods to create, open, or view datasets are changed in their presentation in the UI.

See Working with Datasets on DevOps Test Hub.

Enhanced dataset classification

You can now set the dataset classification (encrypted password) for a dataset irrespective of its location in branches in a repository. The dataset classification that you set is applied to all branches and you need not set a password for each branch that contains the dataset. If you want to use different passwords, then you can create a different dataset by cloning the dataset that you want.

See Managing an encrypted dataset.

Support for in-built Chrome and Edge browsers

HCL OneTest Server now provides support for running browser-based tests by using the in-built Chrome and Edge browsers after you accept the license terms for usage. If you do not accept the license terms at the time of signing in or later, tests that use these browsers fail to run successfully.

See Managing third-party licenses.

Support to run AFT Suite on a mobile device by using variables

You can now run an AFT Suite, which contains mobile or Web UI tests on a device, emulator, or simulator that is connected to an agent of a device cloud. You must enter the details of the agent or device cloud as variables while you configure a run of the AFT Suite.

See Configuring an AFT Suite to run on a mobile device by using variables.

Support to override the project in a mobile device cloud

You can now select or create a project to override the project that is configured for a cloud credential when you want to run a mobile test, Web UI test, Compound test, or an AFT Suite. The tests run on mobile devices that are connected to a mobile device cloud.

See Configuring an AFT Suite to run on a mobile device by using a cloud credential, Configuring a run of a Compound Test that contains mobile tests to run by using a cloud credential, or Configuring a run of a Compound Test that contains Web UI tests to run by using a cloud credential.

Support to add reports and logs to Jira issues

After you configure Jira as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server, you can now add the test reports or test log to the Jira issue that you create for a test result. You can then view the attached reports or log from your project in Jira.

See Creating Jira issues for the test results.

Support to view test log statistics in Grafana

You can now view the overall statistics and time-series statistics in Grafana by using queries for the test logs that are generated in HCL OneTest Server.

See Viewing test results data in Grafana.

Enhanced the display of events in Web UI or Functional test logs

The display of the events in the Web UI or Functional test log is enhanced. Previously, the events were displayed under the UIScript node and placed under the Test node, which did not represent the correct hierarchy.

Now, the events are placed under the Test node and the UIScript node is no longer displayed, thus displaying the correct hierarchy of the events in the test log.

Requirement of Java 17 for Resource Monitoring agents

The Resource Monitoring Java Agent now requires Java 17 JRE or JDK to be installed on the computer that is used to collect the Resource Monitoring data from HCL OneTest Server.

What's New in 10.5.3

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.3.

Feature title Description

Support for Revenera 2022.12

With Revenera 2018.02 (LLS 1.0) reaching EOS, you can now use Revenera 2022.12 (LLS 3.0) as a local license server to host licenses for HCL OneTest Server.

Support to run mobile tests on device clouds

You can now configure a connection from HCL OneTest Server to a mobile device cloud by using the credentials of your cloud subscription account. You can then add team space members as authorized users of the cloud credential. The authorized users can run mobile tests on the mobile devices that are connected to a mobile device cloud.

See Management of mobile device cloud credentials.

Enhancement to the webhooks feature

The webhooks feature is enhanced to enable you to configure the behavior of notifications that were not sent because the webhook was disabled. You can decide to discard or send the queued notifications when you re-enable the webhook. Webhook templates defined at the team space are now also displayed at the project level.

See Configuration of a webhook.

Support to download test reports

You can now download the reports and logs of the tests from the Results page. Reports can be saved to a folder on your computer as a compressed file or PDF, which depends on the format of the generated report.

See Test results and reports.

Support to override input tags of virtual services

You can now specify values for stub input tags by using advanced configuration parameters when you run a virtual service.

See Additional configuration parameters for virtual services.

Support to add an Azure repository

You can now add an Azure repository that contains test resources to your project in HCL OneTest Server, and then run the resources from the server.

See Repository considerations for a server project.

Removed support of Prometheus for virtual services

Virtual service usage in HCL OneTest Server no longer utilizes Prometheus. If you upgrade from a previous version of HCL OneTest Server to 10.5.3, any virtual service usage that was captured before 10.5.3 will not be visible in the team space or project virtualization usage pages.

What's New in 10.5.2

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.2.

Feature title Description

Running Selenium tests on HCL OneTest Server

You can now run Selenium tests that are within a Maven project from HCL OneTest Server.

You must commit the Maven project as a pom.xml to a Git repository. After you add the Git repository to your project on HCL OneTest Server, you can configure a run of the Selenium test from the Execution page.

See Configuring a run of a Selenium test.

Running virtual services on API agents from HCL OneTest Server

You can now configure an HCL OneTest API Agent to register with a team space in HCL OneTest Server by using the server hostname, team space name, and your offline token. When you start the virtual services, you can select the HCL OneTest API agent as the location and not select the Kubernetes cluster.

See Management of API agents.

Support for IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® as a change management system

You can now create Rational® ClearQuest® work items for the tests that ran on HCL OneTest Server, after you configure Rational® ClearQuest® as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server.

Configuring external webhooks on HCL OneTest Server

You can configure the URL of third-party applications such as Teams or Slack, as a webhook on HCL OneTest Server when you want to receive push notifications about events that occur on the server.

You can create templates and select specific events for which you want to receive notification messages in the defined template for those events.

See Configuration of a webhook.

What's New in 10.5.1

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.1.

Feature title Description

Support to export test results to a Jira Xray project

When you use Atlassian Jira as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server and you use Xray as the test management application in Jira, you can now integrate Xray with HCL OneTest Server. With this integration, you can export the test results of the tests that run on HCL OneTest Server to an issue in your Jira Xray project. You can then view and use the test results in your project in Jira.

See Integration with Xray test management for Jira.

Copying of the generated keys individually

When you configured Atlassian Jira as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server, you were able to copy the public and consumer keys in a single action. However, it was difficult to differentiate the keys when you pasted them in the individual fields on the Jira server configuration page. You can now copy the public and consumer keys separately and use them to configure the Jira server.

Support to create defects on tests run by other project members

Previously, you were able to create defects only on tests that you ran on HCL OneTest Server. You can now create defects in the change management system configured in your project on tests that are run by other project members too.

Enhanced publishing of association changes in the system model

Previously, you were able to publish the changes made to the component associations with test resources in the system model from the Author > Changes page. You can now review and publish the association or dissociation changes of test resources with components in a system model from the System Model page. You can use the Image of the publish icon. icon on the System Model page to publish the association changes.

What's New in 10.5.0

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.0.

Feature title Description

Support to install Jaeger as part of HCL OneTest Server is removed

The support to install Jaeger during the installation of HCL OneTest Server is removed.

Support for HCL® Compass as a change management system

You can now create HCL® Compass records for the tests that you run on HCL OneTest Server, after you configure the HCL® Compass server as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server.

Running tests on remote Kubernetes clusters

You can now run the supported test resources on remote Kubernetes clusters that you register with a team space on HCL OneTest Server and add the Kubernetes cluster to your project in the team space.

You can select the remote cluster as a location to run the tests when you configure a run.

You can edit the configurations of a cluster, remove a cluster from a project, or unregister the cluster from a team space.

See Management of remote Kubernetes clusters.

Support to run tests or resources as a GitHub Action

You can now run tests or resources that are contained in your project on HCL OneTest Server as a GitHub Action from a Git repository.

See Configuration of test runs in a GitHub Actions Workflow.

Creating an Edit branch to contain resources before committing to the repository branch

When you want to create or edit datasets, test assets, virtual service resources, or resources that are associated with components in a system model, you must now create an Edit branch, which is a temporary branch that will contain these until the time you commit or publish these to a branch in the project repository or the team space repository.

Support to schedule recurring test runs

You can now schedule recurring test runs on HCL OneTest Server.

Panning icon removed from the System Model page

The Pan icon that existed previously to pan the view in the System Model page is now removed. You can now pan the view by clicking the area and moving the area in the direction you want with the left-mouse button pressed.

Enhancements to the HCL OneTest Studio extension

When you run tests from Azure DevOps Pipeline by using the HCL OneTest Studio extension, you can now store the JUnit report that is generated for the test in the XML format.

See Running DevOps Test Hub tests in an Azure DevOps Pipeline.

Enhancements to the Jenkin plugin

You can now view the test results by using the Test Results Analyzer feature in Jenkins if you have installed the Test Results Analyzer plugin in Jenkins. See Running tests from Jenkins.

What's New in 10.2.3

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.2.3.

Feature title Description

Changes to accessing the software from Harbor

You can now access the HCL OneTest Server Helm charts from the Harbor repository without providing Okta credentials.

Support to view or hide license details

As a system administrator or team space owner, you can now view or hide the details of the License Server on the License Configuration page.

Configuring Azure DevOps as a change management system

Previously, you might have added Atlassian Jira as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server, if you used Jira to create and monitor issues. You can now add Azure DevOps as a change management system on HCL OneTest Server, if you use Azure DevOps to create and monitor defects or bugs, issues, or other work items. After you configure Azure DevOps on HCL OneTest Server, you can create work items for the test runs from HCL OneTest Server and view the created work items on Azure DevOps by clicking the links within HCL OneTest Server.

Viewing the location where virtual services ran

On the Progress and Results pages, you can now view the location where the virtual service instance ran based on the location that you selected when you started a virtual service instance. The location displayed is the name of the remote Kubernetes cluster or the Default Cluster if the virtual service ran on HCL OneTest Server.

Enhancement to publishing of datasets from HCL OneTest Server

HCL OneTest Server now provides the capability to publish a dataset subsequent to publications from other users when the changes made to the datasets do not conflict with the changes made by the other users.

Viewing or editing load test profile details for Schedules

You can now view the load test profile details for the Schedules that you added in HCL OneTest Performance in the Description column on the Author > Tests page. You can also edit the load test profile details if you do not want to run the Schedules with the configured profile.

Adding notes to a test result

You can now add notes to a test result and group these notes into a discussion in the Details panel on the Results page. You can also perform a search for specific content in the notes.

Enhanced the option to export queries from HCL OneTest Server

Previously, you were able to export the queries that you created from HCL OneTest Server as a curl command. You can now use the Export option to export the queries to Shell, Curl, or PowerShell scripts. You can now select the script, the output format, and the number of results that are returned by the query.

Enhanced the viewing of test logs

Previously, the test log displayed all the activities that were captured for a test run and viewing the essential information was tedious. You can now select a view that filters the activities that you might be interested in as a tester. You can however, view all the activities that are captured for a test run by switching off the filter.

The Test Log page now displays the view correctly when you return to the page after viewing another page on the server UI. You can also use an option on the UI to view the test log list.

Viewing attachments in the test log

You can now view the attachments such as images, documents, PDFs, scripts, json or xml files, that are captured by the test log. You can view the attachments that are supported for display in a web browser. You can also copy or download the attachments to your computer.

Viewing the test run duration and time from test logs

After you run a test, you can view the calendar time and the duration for each of the test steps from the test log.

Enhancements to integration plugins

While you configure test runs from the integrated product, you can now use additional parameters such as: Datasets, Labels, Secret Collection, Start Date, and Variables in the following integration plugins:
  • Azure DevOps
  • HCL® Launch
  • Jenkins

Support to run virtual services by using server plugins

Previously, you were able to run test assets that were in your project on HCL OneTest Server from the integrated applications by using the server plugins. You can now run or start instances of virtual service resources that are in your project on HCL OneTest Server from integrated applications such as Azure DevOps, Jenkins, and HCL® Launch.

Support to run additional test assets from Jenkins

You can now run the following types of test assets from the Jenkins server by using the HCL OneTest Server Jenkins plugin:
  • API tests
  • Functional tests
  • HCL AppScan CodeSweep
  • JMeter tests
  • JUnit tests
  • Performance tests
  • Postman resources
  • Virtual services

Viewing test run results on the Azure test plans dashboard

When you use the HCL OneTest Studio Azure extension in Azure pipelines to run tests on HCL OneTest Server, you can view the test results on the Jobs page. If you want to view the results of the test runs on the test plans dashboard, you must set up test plans with test cases for your project in Azure. You must also provide details about the Azure server, your personal access token, the Azure project, the test case, and the test plan while you configure the test run for the test results to display on the test plans dashboard.

What's New in 10.2.2

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.2.2.

Feature title Description

Support to install HCL OneTest Server on OpenShift is removed

OpenShift is no longer supported as a platform on which you can install HCL OneTest Server 10.2.2.

Authoring tests on HCL OneTest Server

You can now use the test authoring capability of HCL OneTest Server that utilizes a containerized version of the HCL OneTest Studio desktop authoring products to author tests and virtual services.

You can also modify test assets or virtual service resources that you create by using the containerized products or the test assets or resources in the project repositories that you created in the desktop products and committed to the repositories.

Support to add multiple repositories simultaneously

Previously, you were able to add individual Git repositories one at a time to your project on HCL OneTest Server.

Now, you can add multiple repositories simultaneously that are contained in the same repository domain.

See Adding repositories to a server project.

Support to configure and run individual test assets

Previously,you were able to configure and run Suites, Compound Tests, or Schedules on HCL OneTest Server. Now, you can configure and run individual test assets such as an API test, a Functional test, or Performance test.

See Test run configurations.

Support to run instances of virtual service resources on a remote Kubernetes cluster

You can now configure and run instances of virtual service resources on a remote Kubernetes cluster. You can select the remote Kubernetes cluster as the location to run the virtual service resources after you set up and add the remote cluster to your project.

See Configuring a run of a virtual service.

Support to run test assets on remote agents or from a remote Kubernetes cluster

You can now select remote agents or a remote Kubernetes cluster as a location to run the test assets. You can select the remote agent as the location to run the test asset after you set up and add the remote agent or the Kubernetes cluster to your project.

Enhanced Jenkins plugins to run tests from a Jenkins pipeline project

The HCL OneTest Server Jenkins plugins are enhanced so that you can now run tests as a job in a Jenkins Pipeline project.

Configuring additional Jira fields

Jira server administrator can now configure additional fields as Required fields in the project on the Jira server to be displayed in the Raise defect in Jira window while creating a defect from HCL OneTest Server.

See Creating Jira issues for the test results.

Collecting and viewing resource monitoring usage data

You can create queries to retrieve monitoring usage data that is collected for a time period during a test run.

See Collecting and viewing resource monitoring usage data, Configuring a test, Viewing resource monitoring usage data, and Creating queries for resource monitoring usage data.

Viewing test logs

When a test run is complete, a test log report is generated for the tests which are configured to collect test logs data. The test log contains details about the events in the tests and their properties. See Test logs.

Querying test log data

You can create queries to view test log data for all the test results in a project or for one particular result.

See Test log queries and Configuring and running log queries.

Viewing results data in Grafana

By using HCL OneTest Server and Grafana, you can retrieve and explore test log data that is generated in HCL OneTest Server.

See Test results data in Grafana, Installing and configuring the DevOps Test Hub Results Data plugin, and Viewing test results data in Grafana.

Viewing test results in Surefire format reports

After you execute JMeter, JUnit, API, and Functional tests with advanced settings in HCL OneTest Server, you can view the test results in a Surefire format report by using dedicated URLs.

See Viewing Surefire format reports.

What's New in 10.2.1

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.2.1.

Feature title Description

Integration with IBM Engineering Test Management

You can now integrate HCL OneTest Server with IBM® Engineering Test Management to run the test assets in a project in your team space from Engineering Test Management. After the tests run, you can view the results on the Results page. See Integration with IBM Engineering Test Management.

Overriding results database

When you want to override the Results Database that is configured in the API Suite project, you can now provide the URL, user name, password, and the database driver as program arguments in the Advanced settings in the Execute test asset dialog box. You can optionally use an encrypted password that is generated by using the EncryptPassword application that is in the installation directory of HCL OneTest API.

Running a scan of an application code

You can use HCL OneTest Server to scan you application code, similar to using the AppScan CodeSweep plugin in Visual Studio. You must create a .codesweep file that contains information about the assets in the repository and the folders with the application code that must be scanned. You can optionally, specify the rules to ignore, folders with code to be excluded from the scan, or the parameters for a verdict of the scan in the file.

After you commit the assets to a remote repository, you can add the repository to your project in a team space, and then run a scan of the assets on HCL OneTest Server.

See Configuration of a scan of an application code.

Running tests on remote Kubernetes clusters

You can now run the supported test resources on remote Kubernetes clusters that you register with a team space on HCL OneTest Server and add the Kubernetes cluster to your project in the team space.

You can select the remote cluster as a location to run the tests when you configure a run.

You can edit the configurations of a cluster, remove a cluster from a project, or unregister the cluster from a team space.

See Management of remote Kubernetes clusters.

What's New in 10.2.0

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.2.0.

Feature title Description

Installing server software on Azure Kubernetes Service

You can now install HCL OneTest Server on Azure Kubernetes Service that has a Kubernetes environment to run functional, integration, and performance tests. See Installation of DevOps Test Hub on Azure Kubernetes Service.

Creating and maintaining multiple team spaces

Previously, HCL OneTest Server supported only one logical partition as the initial team space. Now, you can create and maintain multiple team spaces in HCL OneTest Server. The initial team space is available for all licensed users of HCL OneTest Server before you create any other team space.

You can perform the following tasks in team spaces:
  • Configure licenses or licensed users for each team space.
  • View all team spaces created on HCL OneTest Server and the team spaces that you can access from the Team Space Dashboard page.
  • Register Dockers, agents, intercepts, or Resource Monitoring agents with a team space before you use them in your projects of that team space.
  • Add team space members with the following roles:
    • Team Space Owner
    • Project Creator
    • Architect
    • Member
  • Isolate the projects from the users who are not members of the team space.

See Team space overview.

Configure a repository with any default branch in a team space

Now, you can configure any branch in a repository as the default branch in a team space.

Associating test suites to the components of the System Model

You can now associate test suites to the components of the System Model in addition to the virtual resources. After you associate the test suite, you can then click the test suite to view them on the Execution page.

See Associating resources with components.

Starting or stopping virtual services associated with components

After you associate virtual services with components in the System Model page, you can then navigate to the Resources or Instances page to either start an instance or stop a running instance.

See Viewing resources that are associated with components.

Viewing and filtering test assets by their associated components on the Execution page

The components in the System Model page that are associated with test assets can now be viewed in the Components column on the Execution page. You can also use the component as a parameter in a filter rule to obtain test assets associated with a specific component. You can return to the System Model page by clicking the component displayed for the test asset in the Components column on the Execution page.

Viewing and stopping virtual service instances associated with components

After you start an instance of the virtual services that are associated with components in the System Model page, you can then navigate to the Instances page to either view the running instance or stop a running instance. You can also view the components that are associated with running instances of virtual services from the Instances page.

See Viewing running instances of virtual services.

Introducing the Concurrent Virtual Services licenses

Now, you need a separate Concurrent Virtual Services license to run an instance of the virtual services on HCL OneTest Server.

See DevOps Test Hub licensing information.

Viewing running instances associated with components

After you have associated virtual services with components in the System Model and started instances, you can view the instances that are associated with the components from the Instances page. You can also filter the view to display running instances by using components as a criteria in the filters.

Hiding inactive instances from the virtual service Instances page view

You can now hide the virtual service instances that are stopped or those that failed, from the display on the virtual service Instances page via a single button.

See Viewing running instances of virtual services.

Stopping multiple running instances of virtual services

You can now stop multiple or all running instances of virtual services from the Instances page.

See Stopping virtual services.

Navigating to the Progress page to view the state of test asset runs

You can now navigate to the Progress page from the Execution page to view the runs that were started, scheduled, or completed by clicking the Show in the Progress page icon that is enabled for the specific test asset.

See Viewing the state of test assets.

Stopping or Canceling multiple test runs

You can now stop multiple or all running test assets from the Progress page. You can also cancel multiple or all scheduled runs of test assets from the Progress page.

See Stopping test runs or Canceling scheduled test runs.

Defining resource monitoring sources for a team space

As a team space owner, you can define resource monitoring sources in the team space so that they can be shared between multiple projects in the team space. During a performance schedule execution with resource monitoring labels, the sources defined in a team space are collected with the sources that are defined in a project whenever they match the provided labels. As a user of a team space, you can use the resource monitoring sources that are defined in the team space.

Agents listed for selection based on capabilities

When you install static agents and add the agents to your project on HCL OneTest Server, the agents based on the capabilities that match with the agent specified in the test assets are listed for an override. The agents with the best matching capabilities are listed on the top followed by other agents with mismatched capabilities.

Adding categories and properties to user-defined capabilities

The user-defined capabilities feature is enhanced. Now, you can group user-defined capabilities under categories that you create. You can also add name-value pairs as properties for the capabilities.

See Working with the capabilities of a performance agent.

Establishing relationship among schemas based on referential integrity

Previously, you were able to only view the relationships among JDBC-supported schemas on the Schema Canvas page. You can now establish parent-child relationships among multiple non-JDBC schemas on the Schema Canvas page.

Generating DDL statements for multiple schemas

You can now generate the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements for single or multiple non-JDBC schemas. You can use the DDL statements to create a table in your database. Each job of generating DDL statements for the selected schemas generates a SQL file.

Generating the test data by using multiple schemas

Previously, you were able to generate the test data for only multiple JDBC-supported schemas. You can now generate the test data for multiple non-JDBC schemas by maintaining referential integrity. You can also modify the relationships among non-JDBC schemas on the Schema Canvas page.

You can view the relationship among the selected schemas on the Schema Canvas page.

What's New in 10.1.3

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.1.3.

Feature title Description

Introducing Team Spaces on HCL OneTest Server

HCL OneTest Server is now provisioned to display an initial Team Space, which is a logical partition of HCL OneTest Server.

The operations that you managed at the server level can now be performed at the Team Space level. You can now configure licenses or an SMTP server, create projects, register the remote agents, dockers, or intercepts within a Team Space. See Team space overview.

System modeling

You can create a system model to view the logical representation of any application under test in a Team Space. The system modeling is a Tech Preview feature.

You can configure a Team Space repository, which is different from the project repository, to save the system model.

You can create components that represent different types of assets and associate the components by defining the relationship between the components. You can also create child components for components. You can use these concepts to build a system model and view the model. You can then publish the system model to the Team Space repository.

You can also associate the virtual services in a project repository with components of the system model. From the associated component, you can view and run the virtual services.

See System modeling.

Working with virtual services

You can now view the virtual service resources that are in your project repositories from the Resources page and then configure a run of the virtual service. Working with virtual services is a Tech Preview feature.

After you start a virtual service, the running instances can be viewed from both the Resources page and Instances page.

You can perform the following tasks on virtual services:
  • View information about the details, behavior, usage, routing rules, and diagnostic information of the virtual service instance.
  • Modify the behavior or the logging level of a running instance.

See Management of virtualized services.

Stubs are excluded from Execution and Progress pages

Starting from 10.1.3, stubs are not displayed on the Execution page to start them nor are they displayed on the Progress page after they are started. Stubs must be started from the Virtualization > Resources page and stubs that are running can be viewed from the Virtualization > Instances page.

See Management of virtualized services.

Running JUnit tests on HCL OneTest Server

You can now run JUnit tests that are within a Maven project from HCL OneTest Server.

You must commit the Maven project as a pom.xml to a repository. After you add the repository to your project on HCL OneTest Server, you can configure a run of the JUnit tests from the Execution page.

After the tests are run, you can view the detailed reports of the tests. See Configuring a run of a JUnit test.

Agents are selected automatically for an override

When you install static agents V10.1.2 and add the agents to your project on HCL OneTest Server, HCL OneTest Server determines and then displays the capabilities of the agents. Further, HCL OneTest Server compares the capabilities of the agents with the required capabilities specified for the agent in the test assets and automatically selects the most suitable agent for an override. You can either proceed with running the test on the agent selected or select an agent from the agents displayed that have the same capabilities. See Adding a performance agent to a project.

Working with capabilities that you define for static agents

When you install static agents V10.1.3 and register them with HCL OneTest Server, you can add, view, edit, or delete the capabilities of static agents. See Working with the capabilities of a performance agent.

Refreshing of the migrated project repositories

After you migrate a project from a previous version to a later version of HCL OneTest Server, the repositories that are configured for the project are refreshed only after the project owner logs in to HCL OneTest Server.

Generating the test data by using multiple schemas

Previously, when you used the JDBC connection to generate the test data by using HCL® OneTest Data, then you were able to generate the test data for only one schema. You can now generate the test data for multiple schemas simultaneously by maintaining referential integrity. Multiple schemas that you use to generate the test data now belong to a single JDBC connection.

You can also view the relationship among the selected multiple schemas on the Schema integrity page.

Execution of properties based on priority

When you set multiple properties for any item type, then HCL® OneTest Data uses an order of priority while executing the properties.

Establishing a secure and trusted integration between applications and HCL® OneTest Data

You can now establish a secure and trusted integration between applications and HCL® OneTest Data by placing the SSL certificate in the trust store.

What's New in 10.1.2

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.1.2.

Feature title Description


You can now quickly add your comments to provide your feedback about the documentation for HCL OneTest Server by posting to a product forum. To add your comments as feedback, you must first register at HCL Support. Your login information along with your comments are governed by the privacy policy of HCL. By commenting, you accept the terms of use of HCL.


You can now install HCL OneTest Server on Ubuntu (using k3s) platform. See Installing DevOps Test Hub on Ubuntu.

Enhanced license configuration settings

If you are an administrator, the Configure license option enables you to change the configuration values such as the URL and ID of the License Server. An administrator can also add, remove, or replace named users and enable or disable the automatic self-acquisition of the named user licenses.

Refreshing repositories

The repositories are refreshed automatically at regular intervals to ensure that each repository is in synchronization with the remote repository. You can also trigger the refresh activity manually for a repository to fetch the changes instantly. See Refreshing repositories manually.

Creating webhooks

You can now create a webhook for a repository in Git server. For each push event in the Git server, the webhook notifies HCL OneTest Server to trigger the refresh activity to pull the latest changes to the server repository. See Creating webhooks.

Running Postman test collections

You can now run tests that you create in Postman on HCL OneTest Server. You must export the collections and environments to files that you commit to a repository. You must add the repository to your project on HCL OneTest Server.

Before you run the Postman tests, you must ensure to enable the Postman microservice.

You can configure a run of the entire collection or any of its subfolders from the Execution page. While you configure the run, you can provide additional command options as you did in the Newman CLI. After the tests are run, you can view the detailed reports of the tests. See Configuring a run of a Postman test.

Running JMeter tests on HCL OneTest Server

You can now run tests the JMeter tests that you create in Apache JMeter on HCL OneTest Server. Before you run the JMeter tests, you must enable the JMeter microservice on HCL OneTest Server.

You must package the JMeter tests along with other associated assets such as properties files, certificates, library jars, and dependencies as a project. The project must contain the project file (jmeterRoot.jprj). The tests and the other assets must be contained in subdirectories within the project directory.

You must commit the JMeter project to a repository. After you add the repository to your project on HCL OneTest Server, you can configure a run of the JMeter tests from the Execution page.

After the tests are run, you can view the detailed reports of the tests.

See Configuring a run of a JMeter test.

Viewing capabilities of registered agents

Previously, you were able to view the details about the agents. You can now view and ascertain the system and application capabilities of all agents that are registered with HCL OneTest Server. With the information presented, you can make informed decisions about selecting an agent for running tests from HCL OneTest Server. See Adding a performance agent to a project.

Managing notifications

You can now choose whether to receive in-app, email, or both notifications for each notification channel. By default in-app notifications are enabled. The notifications are about tasks that need completion from users or for information purposes. See Managing email notifications.

Configuring notifications

As an administrator, you can now set up an SMTP email server to send email notifications. The notifications are about tasks that need completion from the users or for information purposes. See Configuring an SMTP server to manage email notifications.

Support for integration with Azure

You can now use the HCL OneTest Studio extension to establish a trusted and secure connection between Azure DevOps Server and HCL OneTest Server to run the HCL OneTest Server tests from the Azure DevOps Server. See Integration with Azure DevOps.

Enhanced the integration with HCL® Launch

You can now use the HCL OneTest Server Launch plugin to establish a trusted and secure connection between the HCL® Launch server and HCL OneTest Server to run the HCL OneTest Server tests from the HCL® Launch server.

Support for integration with Jenkins

You can now use the HCL OneTest Server Jenkins plugin to establish a trusted and secure connection between the Jenkins server and HCL OneTest Server to run the HCL OneTest Server tests from the Jenkins server. See Integration with Jenkins.

Support for integration with Jira

HCL OneTest Server is now integrated with Jira software, as a result, you can create a defect in Jira from the HCL OneTest Server UI. See Configuration of Atlassian Jira as a change management system.

Importing a CSV file with a separator character

You can now import a CSV file that has a separator character into the dataset and configure the required separator values in the CSV Editor.

See Editing a dataset.

HCL® OneTest Data integration with HCL® Launch

You can now integrate HCL® OneTest Data with HCL® Launch by using the HCL® OneTest Data Launch plugin to generate the test data on the HCL® Launch server.

Setting regular expressions as a basic property

Previously, the Regular Expression field was available only under Advanced properties. You can now also find this field as a basic property of an item type in the Properties dialog box.

Managing HCL® OneTest Data project

You can now archive or delete the project, if you no longer require the data design environment that you created in your HCL® OneTest Data project. You can also unarchive any of your archived projects.

What's New in 10.1.1

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.1.1.

Feature title Description

Reviewing system requirements

You can now find system requirements information about hardware and software compatibility in this documentation. For more information, see System Requirements for DevOps Test Hub 2024.03 (11.0.1).

Upgrading the server software

You can now upgrade to the latest version of HCL OneTest Server on the Red Hat OpenShift platform by using the helm upgrade command from 10.1.0. See DevOps Test Hub upgrade methods.

Support for running Compound Tests that contain mobile tests

You can now configure a run for a Compound Test that contains mobile tests and then run the Compound Test on HCL OneTest Server. See Configuring a run of a Compound Test that contains mobile tests to run by using variables.

Overriding Resource Monitoring settings in a performance schedule

Now in the Execution dialog, the Resource Monitoring tab displays the settings related to the Resource Monitoring sources and labels as they were set in the performance schedule. This information is helpful to decide whether you want to override them with the Resource Monitoring sources that are available in your Server project, or not. See Controlling resource monitoring sources in a schedule.

HCL OneTest Server integration with HCL® Launch

You can now integrate HCL OneTest Server with HCL® Launch by using the HCL OneTest Server Launch plugin to run tests on the HCL® Launch server.

Service virtualization: Tech Preview

Virtualizing a service in a namespace of HCL OneTest Server

Previously, you specified the short name of a service that you wanted to virtualize as the host for the HTTP transport and specified the namespace in the recording settings for an Istio proxy. For example, to record the reviews service that had an FQDN of reviews.default.svc.cluster.local the host for the HTTP transport to be specified was reviews, and the namespace to be specified for the Istio Proxy was default. However, Istio routing in HCL OneTest Server only uses the host name and port to generate the routing rule and for stubbing. Therefore, the host name must contain the namespace so that HCL OneTest Server can correctly identify the service that is being stubbed.

Now, you can enable HCL OneTest Server to use the namespaces that you want by providing the namespaces at the time of the installation of the server software.

Managing test data generated jobs and API history

HCL® OneTest Data now periodically deletes all the generated test data and the jobs of test data generation with API history to clear the memory. After changing the default configuration settings, you can retain the test data generated jobs and the API history of the jobs for a specific period.

Generating test data for MongoDB

You can now generate the test data for the MongoDB by using HCL® OneTest Data. HCL® OneTest Data generates the test data, and then directly writes the generated test data in MongoDB.

Generating test data for Excel

You can now generate the test data for an Excel file by using HCL® OneTest Data. You can then download the test data on your computer.

Generating test data by using the pairwise data generation method

You can now generate an optimum test data that covers all possible combinations of the values of the item types for each pair of item types in a schema by using the pairwise data generation method.

Copying artifacts of a schema to another schema

You can now copy artifacts of a schema to a new or an existing schema.

Performing operations by using REST APIs in HCL® OneTest Data

You can now perform operations on the schemas in HCL® OneTest Data by using a set of REST APIs from any external application.

Saving a copied dataset

You can now save a copy of a dataset in a different folder or make a copy with a different name, by using the Save As option.

See Working with Datasets on DevOps Test Hub.

Displaying icons to view who is editing datasets

In HCL OneTest Server, you can now see all members who are editing a particular dataset.

See Editing a dataset.

What's New in 10.1.0

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest Server 10.1.0.

Feature title Description


HCL OneTest Server can only be installed on the following platforms:
  • Red Hat OpenShift 4.2+

  • Ubuntu (using MicroK8s)

See Installation of DevOps Test Hub.

Server Licensing

You can purchase named user licenses for HCL OneTest Server and install the licenses on the FlexNet Operations server.

For more information, see HCL license portal.

Backup and restore of user data

You can back up and restore the user data in HCL OneTest Server V10.1.0. You can also migrate the backed-up user data from the previous versions of HCL OneTest Server to HCL OneTest Server V10.1.0.

For more information, see Backup and restoration of the DevOps Test Hub data.

Running AFT Suites on remote agents

You can now select an agent added to your project on HCL OneTest Server to override the agent configured in the AFT XML file in the test asset.

Selecting test resources

You can now select either the current or previous versions of the test resources that you want to run while you are configuring the test run.

Resetting test run configurations

You can now reset the settings you configured for a test run when you are either initiating or repeating the test run. For more information, see Resetting the configuration settings for a test run.

Support for running an HTML test in a Compound Test on HCL OneTest Server

You can now, run an HTML test as a compound test on HCL OneTest Server and choose to override the configured browser while configuring the test.

For more information, see Configuring a run of a Compound Test that contains HTML tests.

Navigating from a result to the associated Jaeger trace

Now, test logs are delivered in a Jaeger format by default for executed compound tests and schedules. You can still set a Program Argument to re-enable the traditional test log format when you run the tests.

For more information, see Test results and reports.

Relaunching an execution from the Results view

From the Results view, you can re-execute a test with the same parameters as the ones that you previously set for the previous test run. You can also re-execute multiple tests at a time with the same parameters as the initial ones.

For more information, see Re-executing tests from results.

Controlling Resource Monitoring sources

Now you can use label matching to control what Resource Monitoring sources are collected during the execution of a Performance schedule.

For more information, see Controlling resource monitoring sources in a schedule.

Functional Test reports

A Unified Report is generated as a result of a functional test execution.

For more information, see Test results and reports.

Querying metrics

Now the Resource Monitoring service can query metrics from a target monitored by a running Prometheus server with default or customized queries.

For more information, see Monitoring metrics collected by a Prometheus server.

Scrapping metrics

The Resource Monitoring service can scrap metrics exposed by an OpenMetrics exporter through metric counters.

For more information, see Monitoring metrics exposed by an OpenMetrics exporter.

Selecting branches

In earlier versions, branch selection was configured on the Repositories page and applied globally to all users. Now, each user is presented with a Branch field that lists all the branches of the repositories added to your project. The list is available in the Execution, Datasets and Overview pages HCL OneTest Server. For more information, see Selecting the global branch in a project.

Creating secret collections

Members with the Tester role assigned in a project, can now create secrets collections.

For more information, see Protecting API test assets by using secrets.

Project repository

You can now add a repository with multiple folders to a single project. With this improvement, each project is now restricted to a single copy of a given repository.

HCL OneTest Server integration with Azure DevOps integration with Azure DevOps

You can now integrate HCL OneTest Server with Azure DevOps by using the HCL OneTest Studio extension to run tests as tasks in Azure DevOps pipelines.

For more information, see Integration with Azure DevOps.

Running stubs

You can now run stubs that you create in HCL OneTest API, from the Execution page on HCL OneTest Server. You can run IBM® WebSphere® MQ stubs and HTTP stubs on HCL OneTest Server.

For more information, see Configuring a run of a virtual service.

Running stubs for Istio services

After you create stubs for Istio in HCL OneTest API that virtualize services in a Kubernetes cluster, you can run those stubs on HCL OneTest Server. The stubs can virtualize services that use the Istio service mesh for the following types of requests:
  • Requests received by services in the Istio service mesh.
  • Requests sent from namespaces in the Istio service mesh to external services that are not in the Istio service mesh.

Stub usage statistics

After you run stubs on HCL OneTest Server, you can view the stub usage statistics from the Stub Usage page. For more information, see Viewing usage statistics of virtual services.

Routing rules

You can view the details of the intercepts, proxies, or stubs with routing rules defined that are connected to HCL OneTest Server, from the Routing Rules page. For more information, see Viewing routing rules of the virtual services.

Using Excel Data Sources

Excel Data Sources defined in HCL OneTest API projects can now be used as Datasets in your HCL OneTest Server projects. Note that Excel Data Sources that define a specific worksheet to use are ignored.

HCL® OneTest Data

HCL® OneTest Data is a test data generation tool. You can use HCL® OneTest Data to generate the sample test data to perform tests. This tool is now available as a component of HCL OneTest Server.

Authoring datasets

Now, you can create, edit, or delete a dataset in HCL OneTest Server. You can also publish the created dataset to Git repository so that other members of the project can use your dataset in their test asset run.

For more information, see Working with Datasets on DevOps Test Hub.