Re-executing tests from results

You can re-execute a test, a schedule, a collection of tests or schedules from HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) if you want to retain the same commit id.

Before you begin

You must have executed a test or multiple tests from the Execution page in Test Hub.

Re-executing a test from the Results view requires a Tester or an Owner role.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to re-execute a single test or multiple tests at a time.

Perform all the following steps from the Results page.


  • Proceed as follows to re-execute one test at a time:
    1. Identify the test that you want to re-execute and click the Re-execute button in the Actions column.
      The Execute test asset dialog displays the same parameters as the ones that were set to execute the initial test from the Execution page.
    2. Select another Version of the test.
      Note: If you select another version of the test, the settings configured in the dialog and in the Environment, Data Sources and Locations tabs might change.
    3. Modify the Schedule parameters.
      Note: If you don't want to execute the test now, schedule the time when you want the test to be re-executed.
    4. Click the Environment tab and select another API test environment if multiple environments were initially set for a test that is running an API Suite.
    5. Click the Data Sources tab and select an override option if multiple data sources were defined for the initial test run.
    6. Click the Variables tab and add a new variable if you want to re-execute a test asset with a different variable from the one configured in the asset.
    7. Click the Location tab to override the default cluster location if the test asset has a docker host or static agents configured.
    8. Click Advanced to modify the advanced parameters that were set for the initial test run.
    9. Enter a new instance of Java arguments if applicable to the test.
    10. Enter the environment variables that must be passed to the test run at runtime in the Environment Variables field.
    11. In the Resource Monitoring tab, click the You must click the Plus sign to add a label, and press the Ctrl + Space keys, or enter the initial letter of a label to select a label in the list and override the current sources in the schedule.
      Note: The Resource Monitoring tab is displayed for performance schedules and only if you have enabled the Resource Monitoring from Service option from Test Performance.

      The label field is grayed if you don't have any label entered in your current project. To collect data during the test execution, you must first enter labels in the Resource Monitoring sources page from Test Hub.

      For more details about controlling Resource Monitoring sources and labels, see the links at the end of this page.

    12. Click the Re-execute Re-execute icon icon to re-execute the test now or at a scheduled time.
  • Proceed as follows to re-execute multiple tests at a time:
    1. Click the checkboxes for the tests that you want to re-execute.
      You can select them one by one or select all of them.
      A toolbar is displayed.
    2. Click the Re-execute icon Re-execute icon in the toolbar.
      A message indicates the number of selected tests and the number of tests to be re-executed. The tests are re-executed with the same initial commit ids and parameters.
    3. Click Execute.
    You can view the results, logs, and reports of the re-executed tests in the Results page.