Editing customization points in a TDP

Use the Target Deployment Port Editor to adapt an existing Target Deployment Port (TDP) to a specific target platform or development environment.

About this task

Target Deployment Ports can be subdivided into four primary sections:
  • Basic Settings: This section specifies default file extensions, default compilation and link flags, environment variables and custom variables required for your target environment. This section allows you to set all the common settings and variables used by Test Embedded and the different sections of the TDP. For example, the name and location of the cross compiler for your target is stored in a Basic Settings variable, which is used throughout the compilation, preprocessing and link functions. If the compiler changes, you only need to update this variable in the Basic Settings section.
  • Build Settings: This section configures the functions required by the Test Embedded build process. It defines compilation, link and execution Perl scripts, plus any user-defined scripts when needed. This section is the core of the TDP, as it drives all the actions needed to compile and execute a piece of code on the target. All files related to the Build settings are stored in the cmd subdirectory of the TDP folder.
  • Library Settings: This section describes a set of source code files and a dedicated customization file (custom.h), which adapt the TDP to target platform requirements. This section is the most complex and usually only requires customization for specialized platforms (unknown RTOS, no RTOS, unknown simulator, emulator, etc.). These files are stored in the lib subdirectory of the TDP folder.
  • Parser Settings: This section modifies the behavior of the parser in order to address non-standard compiler extensions (for example: non-ANSI extensions). This section allows Test Embedded to properly parse your source code, either for instrumentation or code generation purposes. The resulting files are stored in the ana subdirectory of the TDP folder.


  1. In the Navigation view of the Target Deployment Port Editor, select the customization point that you want to edit.
  2. In the Help window, read the reference information pertaining to the selected customization point. Use this information fill out the Edit window.
  3. Type any remarks or comments in the Comments window.
  4. Save your changes and reload the TDP in Test Embedded:
    • In Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE, right-click the project and click Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > TDP Build, select another TDP and select the updated TDP again. Click OK.
    • In Test Embedded Studio, restart Test Embedded Studio, click Project > Configuration, select the TDP, click Remove. Click New, select the updated TDP again and click OK.