Creating a TDP

This topic provides a typical example workflow for creating a new target deployment port (TDP) for a C compiler.

About this task

Creating a new TDP requires advanced familiarity with:
  • Test Embedded and its underlying TDP technology.
  • The target platform hardware and software architecture.
  • The target development environment.


  1. In the Target Deployment Port Editor, at the top of the Navigation area, right-click the TDP name and type a new name.
  2. Specify all the Basic settings. Create intermediate keys to help with future changes and save the TDP.
  3. In Test Embedded Studio, open the add.rtp project which is located in examples/TDP/tutorial. This is a simple project that can be used for debugging target deployment ports.
  4. Click Edit > Preferences > Project and select Verbose.
  5. Click Project > Configuration to create a new configuration, and select the new TDP. Click OK.
  6. Select the new configuration based on the new TDP.
  7. Click Settings > Build > Build Options > ... and remove all instrumentation. At this point any modifications of the DEFAULT_xxxx in the Target Deployment Port Editor will be ignored in the project. Therefore, you must duplicate or copy any changes in the Build > Build > Compiler/Link configuration settings.
  8. In the project browser, right click add.c and select Compile. Check that the object file is generated in the correct directory. If any problems occurred, open the Target Deployment Port Editor and correct the problems in Build Settings > Compilation function. Repeat this step until add.c is properly generated.
  9. In the Build > Build options > ... settings, enable coverage instrumentation only and remove all files located in the examples/TDP/tutorial/xdp name directory.
  10. In the project browser, right click add.c and select Compile. The instrumentation occurs after the preprocessing and before compilation. Check the .i file is generated properly in the correct directory and that it contains #line xx "fileName" or # xx "fileName". If any problems occurred, open the Target Deployment Port Editor and correct the problems in Build Settings > Preprocessing function. Repeat this step until the .i file is properly generated.
  11. Check that add.o or add.obj is generated in the correct directory and not a file named add_aug.o or add_aug.obj. If any problems occurred, open the Target Deployment Port Editor and correct the problems in Build Settings > Compilation function. Repeat from step 9 until add.o or add.obj are properly generated.
  12. In the project browser, right click TP.c and select Compile. Check that TP.o or TP.obj are generated in the correct directory. If any problems occurred, open the Target Deployment Port Editor and correct the problems in Library Settings. Repeat this step until TP.o or TP.obj are properly generated.
  13. Check that Test.exe is generated in the correct directory. If any problems occurred, open the Target Deployment Port Editor and correct the problems in Build Settings > Link function. Repeat this step until Test.exe is properly generated.
    Note: Any files added in the TDP Editor Build settings are located in $TARGETDIR/cmd by default.