Working with Projects

The project is your main work area in HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) , as displayed in the Project Explorer window.

A project is a tree representation that contains nodes. Projects can contain one or more sub-projects which are actually links to other projects.

Note Previous versions of the product used Workspaces instead of sub-projects. Workspaces are automatically converted to sub-projects when loaded into the current version of the product.

Within the project tree, each node has its own individual Configuration Settings —inherited from its parent node— and can be individually executed.

To learn about See
Creating a new project New Project Wizard
Understanding how projects work Understanding Projects
Creating a group folder inside a project Creating a Group
Adding a new application node to a project without using an activity wizard Manually Creating an Application Node
Adding files from an existing makefile Importing a Makefile
Adding a command line to a project Creating an External Command Node
Adding source files to an existing node Adding Files to the Project
Excluding a node from execution Excluding a Node from a Build
Removing a node from a project Deleting a Node
Renaming an existing node in the project Renaming a Node
Changing build options and Runtime Analysis tools Selecting Build Options
Executing the project or an individual node Building and Running a Node
Using the Debug setting of your compiler Debug Mode
Removing all previously generated files Cleaning Up Generated Files

Related Topics

Project Explorer

About Configuration Settings

Activity Wizards