Configurations and Settings

Two major concepts of HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) are Configurations and Configuration Settings:

  • A Configuration is an instance of a Target Deployment Port (TDP) as used in your project.

  • Configuration Settings are the particular properties assigned to each node in your project for a given Configuration.

A Configuration is not the actual Target Deployment Port. Configurations are derived from the Target Deployment Port that you select when the project is created, and contain a series of Settings for each individual node of your project.

This provides extreme flexibility when you are using multiple platforms or development environments. For example:

  • You can create a Configuration for each programming language or compiler involved in your project.

  • If you are developing for an embedded platform, you can have one Configuration for native development on your Unix or Windows development platform and another Configuration for running and testing the same code on the target platform.

  • You can set up several Configurations based on the same TDP, but with different libraries or compilers.

  • If you are using multiple programming languages in your project, you can even override the TDP on one or several nodes of a project.

The Configuration Settings allow you to customize test and runtime analysis configuration parameters for each node or group of your project, as well as for each Configuration. You reach the Configuration Settings for each node by right-clicking any node in the Project Explorer window and selecting Settings.

The left-hand section of the Configuration Settings window allows you to select the settings families related to the node, as well as the Configuration itself, to which changes will be made. The right-hand pane lists the individual setting properties.

The right-hand section contains the various settings available for the selected node.

Propagation Behavior of Configuration Settings

The Project Explorer displays a hierarchical view of the nodes that constitute your project.

Settings for each node are inherited by child nodes from parent nodes. For instance, Settings of a project node will be cascaded down to all nodes in that project.

Child settings can be set to override parent settings. In this case, the overridden settings will, in turn, be cascaded down to lower nodes in the hierarchy. Overridden settings are displayed in bold.

Settings are changed only for a particular Configuration. If you want your changes to a node to be made throughout all Configurations, be sure to select All Configurations in the Configuration box.

To change the settings for a node:

  1. In theProject Explorer, click theSettingsbutton.
  2. Use the Configuration box to change the Configuration for which the changes will be made.
  3. In the left pane, select the settings family that you want to edit.
  4. In the right pane, select and change the setting properties that you want to override.
  5. When you have finished, click OK to validate the changes.
Note: The Enter and Esc keys do not work in the Configuration Settings window. Use the OK, Apply, and Cancel buttons.

By default, the settings of each node are inherited from those of the parent node. When you override the settings of a parent node, changes are propagated to all child nodes within the same Configuration. Overridden fields are displayed in bold.

Configuration Settings Structure

The Configuration Settings provides access to the following settings families:

  • General

  • Build

  • Runtime Analysis

  • Component Testing

The actual settings available for each node depend on the type of node and the language of the selected Configuration.

General Settings

To learn about See
Configuring the compiler and linker options Build Settings
General project settings General Settings
Adding a user-specified command line to the project External Command Settings
Controlling System Testing Probes Probe Control Settings

Runtime Analysis

The Runtime Analysis setting family covers Configuration Settings for Memory Profiling, Performance Profiling, Code Coverage and Runtime Tracing.

To learn about See
Setting up instrumentation and file storage locations General Runtime Analysis Settings
Configuring Memory Profiling error and warning detection Memory Profiling Settings
Specifying a trace file name for Performance Profiling Performance Profiling settings
Setting coverage levels and instrumentation options for Code Coverage Code Coverage Settings
Configuring sequence diagram output Runtime Tracing Control Settings

Automated Testing Settings

This setting family covers Configuration Settings for Component Testing and System Testing features.

To learn about See
Setting up C and Ada test execution Component Testing Settings for C and Ada
Setting up C++ test execution Component Testing for C++ Settings
Setting up system test execution System Testing Settings

Related Topics

Modifying Configurations | Selecting Configurations | Project Explorer