Test Embedded preferences in Eclipse

HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded)

for Eclipse CDT

The HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) preferences in the Eclipse workbench allow you to configure settings for Test Embedded in Eclipse.

Test Embedded preferences

The Test Embedded preferences allow you to change the following settings:

  • Binary Directory: Specifies the directory where Test Embedded binaries are located.

  • Default TDP: Specifies the default TDP that will be used in the Default.settings configuration when you enable Test Embedded in a C or C++ project.

  • Verbose Mode: Enables detailed information of Test Embedded components in the console during execution.

  • Delete intermediate files: Select this option to automatically delete previous intermediate files each time you run a test.

Results Editor preferences

The Results Editor preferences allow you to change the appearance of your Test and Runtime Analysis reports in Eclipse.

These preferences are identical to the corresponding preferences in the Test Embedded user interface.

  • Styles: This list allows you to select one or several styles that you want to change. To change several styles at the same time, you can perform multiple selections in the style list.

  • Font: This allows you to change the font type and size for the selected style.

  • Text Color: This allows you to change the foreground and background colors for the selected style. This opens a standard color palette.

  • Text Attributes: This allows you to set the selected style to Bold, Italic, Underlined or Dashed.

To access the Test Embedded preferences in Eclipse:

  1. In Eclipse, select Window > Preferences.

  2. Test Embedded

    In the Preferences window, expand Test Embedded.

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