TDP configuration settings

Use the target deployment port (TDP) build settings to adapt the test harness to the target platform.

To access to the target deployment port build settings, right-click the project and select Properties > C Build > Settings > Build TDP.

Target deployment port

Target deployment port
This setting allows you to override the target deployment port (TDP) of the entire configuration for the selected element. Use this for example if you are mixing different languages or compilers within a single project. Any child elements will use the default configuration settings from this target deployment port, such as compilation flags. When you change the TDP within a configuration, the settings are overwritten using the default settings of the new TDP.
Specifies the TDP directory name or relative path. By default, Test Embedded searches for the TDP directory in the directories that are declared in the project preferences.
Indicates the location of the selected target deployment port.
Initial definition file
Points to the default .ini file in the TDP directory.
Source file language
Specifies the language of the TDP.
Object file extension
Specifies the default extension for object files produced with the current TDP.
Static library file extension
Specifies the file extension used for static library files.
Dynamic library file extension
Specifies the file extension used for dynamic library files.
Binary file extension
Specifies the default extension for executable binaries produced with the current TDP (for example: .exe).
Source file extension
Specifies the default extension for source files used with the current TDP.

Compiler options

Preprocessor flags
Specify any compilation flags that are to be sent to the compiler.
Compiler flags
Specify any additional command line options to be sent to the compiler.
Preprocessor macro definitions
Specify any macro definition that are to be sent to both the compiler preprocessor (if used) and the Test Script Compilers. Several generation conditions must be separated by a comma ',' with no space. You can use a comma inside a condition, preceded a backslash character. For example: semTake(x\,y)=TestRTsemTake(x\,y),WIN32,_DEBUG
Include directories
Use this setting to specify include directories that are specific to the current TDP. Click the ... button to create or modify a list of directories for included files when the include statement is encountered in source code and test scripts. In the directory selection box, use the Up and Down buttons to indicate the order in which the directories are searched.

Linker options

Linker flags
Specify any particular flags that are to be sent to the linker.
Specify a list of object libraries to be linked to the generated executable. Type the command line option as required by your linker. See the documentation provided with your development tool for the correct syntax.
Library paths
Click the ... button to create or modify a list of directories for library link files. In the directory selection box, use the Up and Down buttons to indicate the order in which the directories are searched.


Output buffer size
Sets the size of the output buffer. A smaller output buffer can save memory when resources are limited. A larger buffer improves performance. The default setting for the output buffer is 1024 bytes.
Time measurement
Selects whether to use a real-time Operating system clock or a Process or task clock for time measurement, if both options are available in the current target deployment port. Otherwise, this setting is ignored.
Multi-threaded application
When selected, specifies whether to protect target deployment port global variables against concurrent access when you are working in a multithreaded environment such as Posix, Solaris or Windows. This can cause an increase in size of the TDP and an impact on performance; therefore, only select this option when necessary.
Multi-process application
When selected, specifies whether to produce a different output file for each process in forked applications.
Maximum number of threads
When the multithread option is enabled, this setting sets the maximum number threads that can be run at the same time by the application.
Override compiler flags
By default, the TDP is compiled with the build compiler flags. Use this setting to override the build compiler flags with specific flags for compiling the TDP.
Use source compiler flags
Select Yes to use the source build compiler flags to compile the test driver. Select No to use the default TDP settings.
Link flags for library format (for library files only)
Link flags for generating the TDP as a shared library or DLL.
TDP output format
This setting specifies how the TDP is linked to the application. None: No TDP is generated. Use this setting if the TDP is already included in another section of the application. Object file (.obj, .o): Default setting. Use this setting if your application does not use shared libraries. Static library (.lib, .a): Use this setting to link the TDP as a static library. Dynamic library (.dll, .so): Use this setting to link the TDP as a dynamic library for most cases when shared libraries are involved.
Use of unloadable libraries
Use the setting if your application uses shared libraries that can be unloaded dynamically from memory. See Unloadable libraries for details. None: The application does not dynamically unload libraries during execution. This is an unloaded library: Select this if the selected node is a library node that can be dynamically unloaded during execution. Uses unloaded libraries: Select this if the selected node is an application or test node that can use unloadable libraries.