Trace Probe output modes

Trace Probes for C

By default, the message traces are written to the .rio output file. However, in some cases, this may not be practical, therefore the Trace Probe feature can be configured to send trace information to a temporary buffer before writing to a file.

To change the way traces are stored, specify the trace mode as specified in the Probe Control Settings:

  • DEFAULT: In this mode, the message traces are written directly to the .rio output file.

  • FIFO: Binary format traces are directed to a temporary first-in first-out memory buffer before writing to the .rio file when the atl_dump_trace macro is encountered. This mode is intended for embedded applications which may not be able to access a filesystem when running.

  • FILE: Binary format traces are written to a low footprint temporary file before writing to the .rio file when the atl_dump_trace macro is encountered. This mode is intended for embedded applications which may not have enough memory or processing power to continuously write to the .rio file. In this case for example, a second application could be set up to read the file and generate the .rio result file.

  • USER: Uses methods, described in a user-defined probecst.c file to direct traces to a user-defined format before writing to the .rio file when the atl_dump_trace macro is encountered. See Customizing the USER output mode for more information.

  • IGNORE: Use this setting to ignore trace probe macros on compilation. In this case, the binary is compiled without instrumentation.

When FIFO, FILE or USER are selected, the traces must be flushed to the .rio file with a specific atl_dump_trace macro placed in a source file.

Use the DEFAULT output mode whenever possible. In most other cases, the FIFO or FILE should be enough and can be optimized using parameters provided in the Reference section.

Only use USER mode if none of the other settings are practical for your application. Using the USER output mode requires that you rewrite your own probecst.c and probecst.h using the files provided with the product as a template. See Customizing the USER output mode for more information.

When using the USER mode, you must specify the location of the user-defined probecst.c and probecst.h files in the USER custom files directory setting. See Probe control settings for details.

Related Topics

Trace Probes | Circular Trace Buffer | Probe Control Settings | Customizing the USER output mode