Runtime analysis overview

The runtime analysis tools of HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) allow you to closely monitor the behavior of your application for debugging and validation purposes.

These features use source code insertion to instrument the source code providing real-time analysis of the application while it is running, either on a native or embedded target platform.

  • Memory Profiling analyzes memory usage and detects memory leaks.

  • Performance Profiling provides metrics on execution time for each procedure/function/method of the application. For C language, it also provides an estimation of Worst Case Estimation Time.

  • Code Coverage performs code coverage analysis.

  • Control Coupling provides coverage information on Control Coupling that represent the interactions between modules (C language only).

  • Data Coupling provides coverage information on def/use pairs identified in the application(C language only).

  • Worst Stack Size computes an estimation of the maximum of the application stack size (C language only).

  • Runtime Tracing draws a real-time UML Sequence Diagram of your application.

  • Contract Check (for C++ only) verifies behavioral assertions during execution of the code and produces a Contract Check sequence diagram.

Each of these runtime analysis tools can be used together with any of the automated testing features providing, for example, test coverage information.

Note SCI instrumentation of the source code generates a certain amount of overhead, which can impact application size and performance. See Source code instrumentation overview for more information.

Here is a basic rundown of the main steps to using the runtime analysis feature set.

To use the runtime analysis tools:

  1. From the Start page, set up a new project. This can be done automatically with the New Project Wizard.
  2. Follow the Activity Wizard to add your application source files to the workspace.
  3. Select the source files under analysis in the wizard to create the application node.
  4. Select the runtime analysis tools to be applied to the application in the Build options.
  5. Use the Project Explorer to set up the test campaign and add any additional runtime analysis or test nodes.
  6. Run the application node to build and execute the instrumented application.
  7. View and analyze the generated analysis and profiling reports.

The runtime analysis tools can be run within a test by simply adding the runtime analysis setting to an existing test node.

The runtime analysis tools for C and C++ can also be used in an Eclipse development environment. Runtime or static analysis tools do not run on System Testing nodes.

Related Topics

Reducing Instrumentation Overhead

About Memory Profiling

About Performance Profiling

About Code Coverage

About Runtime Tracing