Code review settings

You can configure the code review settings before running your application in HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded).

The following options must be set from the Build settings tab in the Properties window. To open Build settings tab:

  • In the project explorer, right-click the project on which you want to change the settings and click Properties. Alternatively, you can select the project, and then click the settings icon settings button on the toolbar.
  • Expand C/C++ Build in the left panel, select Settings.
  • In the right panel, in the Build tab, expand Settings and select Code Review.
  • Expand Code review to access the code review settings.
Additional included system directories
This option provides additional directories where system include files that is, include files between ‘<’ and ‘>' found.
For example Additional included system directories is required if your TDP is not complete .
Review included system files
Select ‘Yes’ if you want that the system include files that is include files between ‘<’ and ‘>’ must be analyzed. The default value is ‘No’.
Pre-include files
This option allows to select one or several file that are analysed before starting the code review. This is useful to define some pragmas used by the analyser.
Display errors/warnings
This option allows to control the number of error and warning messages the tool can display for each analyzed file as following:
  • ‘All’ display all error and warning message.
  • ‘No’ hide the error and warning message.
  • ‘Max n' display only the n first error and warning message.

Naming script file
This option provide a perl script file for your naming rules.
Report Template

An HTML code review report is automatically generated after each execution. This report is based on a template as default <installation folder>/lib/reports/misrareport.template. You can make a copy of this template and modify it. This option is used to point to the new template file.