About Static Metrics

Static Metrics for C, C++ and Ada

Statistical measurement of source code properties is an extremely important matter when you are planning multiple tests or for project management purposes. HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) provides a Metrics Viewer, which displays detailed source code complexity data and statistics for your C, C++ and Ada source code.

Static Metrics supports the following languages:

  • Ada: Ada 83 and Ada 95

  • C: C89 and C99

  • C++: ISO/IEC 14882:1998

How the static metrics tool works

Metrics are updated each time a file is modified. Static metrics can be computed each time a node is built, but can also be calculated without executing the application.

The metrics are stored in .met metrics files alongside the actual source files.

To learn about See
Opening a Metrics Report Viewing Static Metrics
V(g) or cyclomatic complexity metrics V(g) or Cyclomatic Number
Halstead metrics Halstead Metrics
Customizing metrics reports Metrics Viewer Preferences

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