Configuring log rotation settings

You can configure the rotation and increase the size of the main log file.

About this task

Logs include time frames for when problems occur or activities happens on the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server, agent, and relays. Because log files hold a limited amount of data, data related to a problems might be overwritten. To avoid this scenario, you can increase the size of the log file or the number of rotating files.


To configure log rotation settings:
  1. Go to the Configuration page.
  2. Change one or both of the following settings:
    • Files: The number of total logging files, which includes the active log file and the rotated log files. The default value is 10. Note that the value cannot be less than 1.
    • File Size: The maximum size (in megabytes) of a log file. Once this size is reached, the active log file is rotated. The default value is 50. Note that the value cannot be less than 1.
  3. Click Save.


When you increase the number of log files, more disk space is required. A Deploy support specialist can help you determine the appropriate value to specify.