
Set a property on a resource


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  setResourceRoleProperty [JSON file]




This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "application": "Name or ID of the application (Required 
  to look up blueprint by name)",
  "blueprint": "Name or ID of the blueprint (optional)",
  "description": "The description of the property 
  "isSecure": "Whether the property is secure; the default 
  is the current state of the property, or false if the 
  property is not yet specified (optional)",
  "label": "The label of the property (optional)",
  "name": "Name of the property",
  "resource": "ID of resource or Path to the resource, 
  such as /ResourceGroup/Agents/Agent1",
  "template": "Name or ID of the resource template 
  "value": "New value for the property (optional)"

Related REST command: Set a property on a resource.