List the properties on a component version


GET https://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: {contentType}
Table 1. Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
component string false Name or ID of the component; this value is required if you specify the version name instead of ID
version string true Name or ID of the version
Table 2. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
  • application/json
  • application/yaml

Example response

    "id": "33528ab5-a7be-46cb-9f0c-916a42bd2f62",
    "name": "Prop1",
    "value": "value1",
    "description": "",
    "secure": false
    "id": "92339074-ab59-4fe3-936f-9ceec16ce5e6",
    "name": "Prop2",
    "value": "value1",
    "description": "",
    "secure": false

Related CLI command: getVersionProperties.