
Get logging configuration

Sets the current logging configuration. The output of the getLoggingConfig command is acceptable input. To support this, several elements of the input template are optional and ignored, but must be valid if supplied. Regardless, the input is still subject to the constraints reported by these ignored elements. For example, objects for which 'deletable' is false must be present in the input as their absense is interpreted as a request for deletion.


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  setLoggingConfig [JSON file]




This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "createdDate": "Timestamp when the object was created; 
  ignored and optional",
  "logs": {
    "createdDate": "Timestamp when the object was created; 
  ignored and optional",
    "deletable": "Reports if log can be deleted; ignored 
  and optional",
    "enabled": "Reports if log is enabled; the main log 
  cannot be disabled",
    "enabledMutable": "Reports if 'enabled' can be 
  changed; ignored and optional",
    "fileCount": "Number of rotated logs; must be at least 
    "fileMegabytes": "Maximum log file size; ignored and 
  optional if rotation is not SIZE",
    "loggers": [{
      "createdDate": "Timestamp when the object was 
  created; ignored and optional",
      "deletable": "Reports if the logger can be deleted; 
  ignored and optional",
      "level": "The logging level; one of 
      "logMutable": "Reports if the log assoctation can be 
  changed; ignored and optional",
      "modifiedDate": "Timestamp when the object last 
  modified; ignored and optional",
      "name": "Name of the logger; must be unique across 
  all logs; '*' is the name of the root logger which must 
  only be in the main log; up to 255 printable ASCII 
  characters (no whitespace or control codes)",
      "root": "Reports if this logger is the root logger; 
  ignored and optional"
    "main": "Reports if this log is the main log; ignored 
  and optional",
    "modifiedDate": "Timestamp when the object last 
  modified; ignored and optional",
    "name": "Name of the log; must be unique; up to 64 
  characters from [-_0-9a-z]",
    "rotation": "Rotation strategy: one of 
    "rotationMutable": "Reports if 'rotation' can be 
  changed; ignored and optional"
  "modifiedDate": "Timestamp when the object last 
  modified; ignored and optional"

Related REST command: Get logging configuration.