About hijacked files

When DevOps Code ClearCase® loads a file element into a snapshot view, it applies the file system's read-only attribute to the file. If you change this attribute, and modify the file without checking it out first, DevOps Code ClearCase considers the file hijacked.

Only files under source control can be hijacked; view-private files are not under DevOps Code ClearCase control and you can modify them without involving DevOps Code ClearCase.

Hijacking takes a file outside of direct DevOps Code ClearCase control. Although DevOps Code ClearCase detects the change to the file, it is not a good practice.

You cannot hijack files in dynamic views.

Hijacking does not apply to directory elements.

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Because hijacking files can put you in a precarious situation, learn more about this subject by searching the Help for topics on hijacking files.