clearcase-jenkins plugin

Learn about the clearcase-jenkins plugin.

After updating a previous version of the clearcase-jenkins plugin installed in your Jenkins server with the version in this release, you should uninstall the cmapi-jenkins plugin.

The clearcase-jenkins plugin now uses the CM API implementation installed with DevOps Code ClearCase®. On the controller node, it will find the classes/jar files automatically. On each agent node, you must install the clearcase-jenkins.jar file into the same directory where the Jenkins agent jar (such as agent.jar) is installed. The clearcase-jenkins.jar file is available in the same place from where you obtained the clearcase-jenkins.hpi file. Alternatively, you can extract it from the clearcase-jenkins.hpi file, which is in the Java jar format, with this command:

jar xvf clearcase-jenkins.hpi WEB-INF/lib/clearcase-jenkins.jar

Each time you update the clearcase-jenkins plugin on the Jenkins controller node, you must re-copy a matching clearcase-jenkins.jar file to each agent and restart each agent.

Diagnosing problems:

If you get an error like this while a remote agent is attempting to run a job, then you need to install clearcase-jenkins.jar into the same directory as the agent.jar file:

com.hcl.jenkins.exceptions.HCLVersionVaultScmException: jar file not found: /var/tmp/jenkins-agent/clearcase-jenkins.jar

If you get an error like this in a build log or while configuring a job, then you need to install DevOps Code ClearCase on the Jenkins host and/or the Jenkins agent host(s), and then restart Jenkins and/or the remote agent(s):

com.hcl.jenkins.exceptions.HCLVersionVaultScmException: Unable to find CM API file (jar file not found: /opt/rational/clearcase/java/lib/stpcc.jar) (DevOps Code ClearCase not installed?)