To create a VOB symbolic link

About this task

You can use the cleartool ln -s command to create a VOB symbolic link (symlink) to the following items:
  • A file or directory (checked in or checked out)
  • A symbolic link
  • An eclipsed element (dynamic views only)
  • A hijacked element (snapshot views only)

The target of the symbolic link must be in the same view as the directory in which the symbolic link is to be created. If you are in a snapshot view, unloaded elements are not valid symlink targets. Also, the directory in which the symlink is to be created must also be loaded.

Windows tip: You can also use the cleartool ln -s command to change the symlink name or to create a symlink in the same directory as the target.
On Windows systems, you can also use DevOps ClearCase® Explorer to create a VOB symbolic link. Two methods are available:
  • To make a target (files or directories) available in a common directory, complete the following steps:
    1. In ClearCase Explorer, select the targets to which the symbolic links will point.
    2. Right-click the selection and click Symlinks > Create Symlink.
    3. In the Browse for Folder window, navigate to and select the directory in which to create the symbolic links.
    4. Click OK.

      If the selected directory is not checked out, DevOps Code ClearCase checks it out and checks it in when it finishes. This method is faster than the other method because the necessary DevOps Code ClearCase information has already been retrieved.

  • To make a common file available in a project that you are working on, complete the following steps:
    1. In ClearCase Explorer or Windows Explorer, select the targets that you want the symbolic links to access.
    2. Right-click the selection and click Copy.
    3. In ClearCase Explorer, in the same view as that of the copied targets, navigate to the directory in which to create the symbolic links.
    4. In an unused part in the list area of the directory, right-click and click Paste Symlink.

      If the selected directory is not checked out, DevOps Code ClearCase checks it out and checks it in when it finishes. Depending on the number of selected items, this method may cause a noticeable wait because the necessary DevOps Code ClearCase information must be retrieved for each target item.

For more information about how to use the ln command, see the ln page of the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.