Finding checked-out resources

You can use the ClearCase® search function to find checked-out files and directories.

About this task

The ClearCase search function can find files and directories checked out in your ClearCase view as well as files and directories that other users have checked out in other views that you have. In this topic, you will use the ClearCase search function to find the two files you checked out.

To find checkouts:


  1. Connect to the ClearCase server, if you are not connected already.
    Expand the My Views node in the ClearTeam Navigator, right-click on the view called yourname_tut_view and click Connect. In the WAN dialog box, fill in the connection details, and click OK.
    Note: You can also select the view and click the connect to ClearCase icon (Connect to ClearCase Server) button in the toolbar or you can select Connect from the ClearCase menu. In addition, if you are not connected to a ClearCase server and you perform an action that requires such a connection, the WAN dialog box appears automatically.
  2. In the ClearTeam Navigator, click the tutorial VOB.
  3. Click the ClearCase search icon(ClearCase Search) button in the toolbar.
    Note: You can also right-click the VOB and select ClearCase Search or you can select ClearCase Search from the ClearCase menu.
  4. In the ClearCase Search dialog box, in the Search For area, select the Checked out resources check box and make sure that the View private resources and Hijacked resources check boxes are cleared.
  5. In the Scope area, verify that the Folder field contains the path to the tutorial VOB, and select the include subfolders check box.
  6. Click Search.


The two files that you checked out are displayed in the ClearCase Search Results view.