Creating a ClearCase view

You use a ClearCase® view to access and modify resources under source control.

About this task

The configuration of the ClearCase view determines which version of a file or directory that you see. Depending on your development model, you can use different ClearCase views for different tasks.

In this lesson, you will create the ClearCase view that you will use for the rest of this tutorial.

To create a ClearCase view:


  1. If you are using Eclipse, open the ClearTeam Explorer perspective. On the Eclipse menu bar, click Window > Open Perspective > Other. In the Open Perspective dialog, click ClearTeam Explorer.
  2. Click the create view icon (Create a base ClearCase view) button in the toolbar.
    Note: You can also select Create View from the ClearCase menu.
  3. In the Create View/Choose a ClearCase server window, specify your ClearCase server and, if you are not already connected to the server, click Connect, fill in the connection details for the ClearCase server in the WAN dialog box, and click OK to connect to the sever and dismiss the dialog box.
  4. In the Create View/Choose a ClearCase server window, click Next.
  5. In the Create View/Create a ClearCase view window, specify the following values.
    • For View Type, make sure that Web is selected.
    • For ViewTag, specify yourname_tut_view as the view tag value. As you enter text in this field, the Copy area path name automatically reflects your changes by default. The copy area is the location where files and directories from the ClearCase repository are stored while you work on them. If you want to specify a different copy area location, you can enter text in the Copy area path name field or click Browse.
    • If your environment uses different operating systems, you can select the appropriate line termination mode for text files (ask your administrator for this information) in your environment by clicking View Options and selecting the correct mode in the View Options dialog box.
  6. Click Finish. The Edit Configuration dialog box appears.
  7. In the Edit Configuration dialog box, click Cancel. You will load resources in a separate lesson.


You have now learned how to create a base ClearCase Web view that you can use to access your files and directories.