Pending Changes configuration (Base ClearCase)

Use this dialog box to configure options in the Pending Changes view.

This dialog box lists the parameters currently in effect for integrating your changes into another DevOps Code ClearCase® branch and enables you to change them.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box on the Configuration tab:

Control name Control description
I never have to integrate my changes to another ClearCase branch Designates the fact that changes you are making will not be integrated into any other branch. If you select this option, the other options in this dialog box become inactive.
I may have to periodically integrate my changes to another ClearCase branch Click if you intend to integrate your changes into another ClearCase branch, then specify source and target branch information in the remaining dialog options. By default, this option is selected.
My branch The name of the ClearCase branch in which you are working.
The view I use to integrate my changes Click to select an existing local ClearCase view in which your changes will be integrated.
New Click to create a new ClearCase view in which the changed elements will be integrated.
The branch I integrate my changes to The name of the branch in which the changes will be integrated.
By default, include integration changes in my pending changes When this option is selected, the Pending Changes view displays differences between the development branch and the integration branch in addition to differences between the contents of the current view and the development branch. If this option is not selected, the Pending Changes view shows only the differences between the contents of the current view and the development branch.
Include the latest changes from the integration branch Click this button to display all changes to the integration branch.
Include changes based on a label Click this button to display only changes that have a specific label and then specify that label in the Integration Label text box.
Integration Label If you have selected the Include changes based on a label option, specify the label in this text box or click the Browse button.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.
If the view is a web view or automatic view in Base ClearCase, the Scope tab contains the following options:
Control name Control description
Include All Loaded VOBs Click to specify that the Pending Changes view displays changes from all loaded VOBs. By default, this option is selected.
Include Loaded Elements Click to specify that the Pending Changes view displays changes from only those elements that are currently loaded.
Include Selected Elements Click if you intend to select the ClearCase elements that the Pending Changes view displays, then select them. You can use this option to limit the scope of searches for pending changes to only those elements you are interested in whether or not they are currently loaded. When you select this option, the remainder of options on the Scope tab become active.
Show Unloaded Public VOBs Click to include unloaded public VOBs and their contents among the elements to be searched for pending changes.
Show Unloaded Private VOBs Click to include unloaded private VOBs and their contents among the elements to be searched for pending changes.
Element list box Navigate to any directories or files you want to be searched for pending changes. You can select multiple directories and files.
Add Click to add the currently selected directories and files to the Selected elements may be edited directly list of elements.
Remove Click to remove elements that are currently selected in the Selected elements may be edited directly list of elements.
Selected elements may be edited directly You can create or edit selected elements by typing in this field.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.
If the view is a Dynamic view in Base ClearCase, the Scope tab contains the following options:
Control name Control description
Include All Mounted VOBs Click to specify that the Pending Changes view displays changes from all mounted VOBs.
Note: Selecting this option can negatively impact performance if your system uses an automounter and all VOBs are mounted.
Include Selected Elements Click if you intend to select the ClearCase elements that the Pending Changes view displays, then select them in the Select elements that you want to be considered for pending changes list box. You can use this option to limit the scope of searches for pending changes to only those elements you are interested in whether or not they are currently loaded. When you select this option, the remainder of options on the Scope tab become active.
Select elements that you want to be considered for pending changes Click to select the elements to be searched for pending changes. If a VOB containing selected elements is not mounted, the ClearTeam Explorer attempts to mount the VOB.
Add Click to add the currently selected directories and files to the Selected elements may be edited directly list of elements.
Remove Click to remove elements that are currently selected in the Selected elements may be edited directly list of elements.
Selected elements may be edited directly You can create or edit selected elements by typing in this field.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.