Join a UCM Project

Before you create a UCM ClearCase® view, you must specify a UCM project with which it will be associated. Your project leader can supply this information and the name of the Project VOB and folder in which you can find the project.

A UCM project is defined in a Project VOB. If your site uses UCM, it already has one or more Project VOBs. Projects exist in these VOBs as collections of metadata, some of which is used to configure newly created ClearCase views in which work on the project will be done. Projects can be listed individually in the Project VOB or can be organized into folders of related projects.

This wizard page allows you to select a UCM project to join. Once you select a project, a suggested development stream name, a development view name and an integration view name appear at the top of the dialog box. To accept the suggested stream and views, click Finish. To edit the stream and views, click Next.

Note: UCM projects are created on a ClearCase server. You cannot create a UCM project from the ClearTeam® Explorer.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Select a UCM project to join Each folder in the list represents a Project VOB. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of any folder to show the Project VOB's contents, which may include projects, folders containing projects, or both. Projects are decorated with the UCM project icon icon. Select the project you want to join and click Next.
Note: If you also have the native ClearCase client (the "thick" client) installed on your machine in addition to the ClearTeam Explorer, this list box contains a ClearCase Local node.
Let me enter an identifier for my integration stream Click to enter an identifying label for your integration stream in the text box.
Connect If you want to access the project through a Web view or automatic view, click to invoke a login dialog box for the CCRC WAN server, if you are not already connected to that server.
Back Returns to the previous step.
Next Confirms your selections and moves on to the next step.
Finish Creates a development stream, a development view and an integration view using the suggested values.
Cancel Cancels the operation.