Edit Configuration

Use this dialog box to load or unload resources in a DevOps Code ClearCase® view, edit version selection rules, or copy an existing view's configuration.

You can use this dialog box to
  • Edit version-selection rules (all view types)
  • View and copy version-selection rules from other views (all view types)
  • Load resources (snapshot, automatic, and web views). Loading any resource creates a load rule for the resource and then loads the selected version of the resource from the repository (VOB) into the copy area (web views) or the R: drive (automatic views). After a resource has been loaded, you can use the Update Resources dialog box to update it to a more recent version. When you load a file, only that file is loaded. When you load a folder, the folder and all of the files and subfolders it contains are loaded.
  • Specify hijacked file handling when a view is updated (snapshot, automatic, and web views)
  • Specify custom UCM rules (if you use the UCM development model)

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear on the Load Rules tab of this dialog box, for Web views only.

Control name Control description
Show Project VOBs Click to include ClearCase Project VOBs in the ClearTeam Navigator and ClearTeam Details views. By default, this check box is cleared.
Show Private VOBs Click to include non-loaded VOBs in the ClearTeam Navigator and ClearTeam Details views if they have the private attribute. By default, this check box is cleared.
Show Obsolete Directories and Files Click to display ClearCase obsolete directories and files in the ClearTeam Navigator and ClearTeam Details views. By default, this check box is cleared.
Select resources and add or remove rules Navigate to any directories or files you want to load whenever you open the current view. You can select multiple directories and files.
Add Click to add the currently selected directories and files to the load rules for the current view.
Remove Click to remove a load rule from the Load Rules list box. This option is only active when you select one or more files or directories in the Select resources and add or remove rules tree that exactly match a rule or rules in the Load Rules list box.
Load Rules Any files or directories listed here are loaded whenever you open the current view. You can create or edit load rules by typing in this field. You can also delete a load rule from this field. When you click OK, the current load rules are applied and the view is updated with any changes. If you added or edited load rules, the corresponding elements are loaded or unloaded from the view accordingly. If you deleted a load rule, the corresponding elements are unloaded from the view.

If the currently selected view is a UCM view, the following control appears on the UCM Custom Rules tab of this dialog box:

Control name Control description
Current UCM Custom Rules Display any custom UCM rules previously created for the current view.

If the currently selected view is not a UCM view, the following control appears on the Version Selection Rules tab of this dialog box:

Control name Control description
Version Selection Rules Displays the config spec for the current view. You can edit the config spec by typing in this field.

The following controls appear on the Update Options tab of this dialog box for web views, automatic views, and snapshot views only:

Control name Control description
Do not update hijacked files Select this option to leave hijacked files unchanged when updating resources. You can cancel the hijacks or convert them to checkouts later.
Rename hijacked files with a '.keep' extension, load selected version from VOB Select this option to rename each hijacked file to filename.keep and then load the currently selected version from the VOB when updating resources.
Replace (overwrite) hijacked files with selected version from VOB Select this option to overwrite each hijacked file with the currently selected version from the VOB when updating resources. Any changes to the hijacked files are lost.

The following controls appear on the Copy Rules tab of this dialog box:

Control name Control description
Select the view from which you would like to copy rules (or enter the name directly in the box below) Specify a view to copy rules from.
Show Select one of the three options listed to specify the views that appear in the list box to the right of the Show options.
My local views Click to display the local views on your machine in the list box. This is the default setting.
Views containing '<your user name>' Click to display only those views that contain your user name somewhere in the view name.
All views Click to display the list of all views available to you.
Show list box Displays available views according to the Show option that is currently selected.
Show Config Spec Displays the config spec for the view that is currently selected in the Show list box. The config spec appears in the list box below the Show Config Spec button.
From view Displays the currently selected view in the Show list box. You can also type a view name in this field.
Show Config Spec list box Displays the config spec rules of the view in the From view field. You can also select, copy, and edit text in this list box.
Replace All Click to copy the config spec rules from the currently selected view in the From view field and to specify these as the config spec rules for the view you are editing.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Discontinues the operation without saving any changes.