ClearCase label decorations and resource states

Label decorations indicate the state of a resource in a DevOps Code ClearCase® view.

Label decorations allow additional information to be displayed in an item's label and icon. In the ClearTeam Navigator, the ClearTeam Details view, and other viewers in the ClearCase perspective, you can configure label decorations that indicate the state of each resource in a ClearCase view. In the Eclipse environment, these decorations are also visible in any Eclipse view that displays the resource. The ClearCase Search Results view and ClearCase Details view also include a column that shows resource states by name.

ClearCase state Icon decoration Text decoration Resource type Description
Under ClearCase control blue square @@ File or directory The resource is under ClearCase control and has been loaded into the view's copy area.
View private view private decoration none File or directory The resource is an ordinary file or directory in the local file system. It is not under ClearCase control.
Partially loaded partially-loaded decoration @@PL directory The directory is loaded but contains one or more resources that have not been loaded into the view's copy area.
Not loaded unloaded decoration @@NL File or directory The resource is under ClearCase control but has not been loaded because it is not selected by the ClearCase view's load rules.
Upgrade view upgrade view decoration none View The view was created in a version of ClearCase prior to 7.1. The view needs to be upgraded if it is to be used in 7.1. Note that if you upgrade the view to 7.1, it will no longer be functional or visible in prior versions of ClearCase.
Checked out checked-out decoration @@CO File or directory The resource is checked out.
Aggregated change aggregated checkout decoration none File or directory At some point at or below the current node level, a resource has been changed (checked out or hijacked).
Aggregated and checked out aggregated and checked out decoration none Directory An aggregated directory resource is checked out and may also have checkouts.
Hijacked hijacked decoration @@HJ File The file is hijacked.
Unknown question mark decoration @@? File or directory The resource has an unknown ClearCase state.
VOB view private decoration none directory The resource is a ClearCase VOB.
UCM resource ucm resource decoration none View, file, or directory The resource is part of a ClearCase UCM project.
Discordant state ucm resource decoration none File or directory The resource is in a discordant state.
Symbolic link view private decoration none File or directory The resource is a symbolic link.
Component VOB view private decoration none VOB The resource is a DevOps Code ClearCase component VOB.
Project VOB view private decoration none VOB The resource is a DevOps Code ClearCase project VOB.
ClearQuest® project view private decoration none ClearCase project The resource is a DevOps Code ClearCase UCM project that is integrated with Rational® ClearQuest.
Obsolete view private decoration none Stream, project, VOB, activity The resource has been designated as Obsolete through the ClearCase Properties view.
Locked view private decoration none Stream, project, VOB, activity The resource has been designated as Locked through the ClearCase Properties view.
Current activity view private decoration none Activity The resource is the current activity.

You can enable icon decorations, text decorations, or both. Text decorations are appended to the name of the resource. For example, a directory named bin that is not loaded is labeled bin@@NL if text decorations are enabled. Icon decorations are often combined to indicate resource state.

Finding resources by ClearCase state

ClearCase Search lets you search for resources in the checked-out, hijacked, or view-private states.