About connecting to servers and user databases

You must connect to a CCRC WAN server to create a ClearCase® web view or automatic view or to perform certain operations within such views, and you must connect to a ClearQuest® user database to access and modify information in ClearQuest repositories. A single sign-on preference can be set so that ClearCase and ClearQuest login information is saved across sessions.

ClearCase views and server connections

A ClearCase (WAN) server can support one or more ClearCase views on your local host. If a single ClearCase server supports all the ClearCase views on your host, you have to connect only once. If the ClearCase views on your local host are supported by different ClearCase servers, you must connect to each server that supports a ClearCase view in which you want to work. You can have multiple server connections active simultaneously.

You are prompted to log in to ClearCase when you select a ClearCase view and choose the Connect option or when you are working in a ClearCase view that is not connected and you attempt to perform a ClearCase operation that requires a server connection. You are also prompted to login to ClearCase when you access information or perform operations in a ClearCase node.

ClearQuest repositories and user database connections

You are prompted to log in to ClearQuest when you attempt to access or connect to a ClearQuest repository to which you are not already connected. When you are working in a UCM project that is enabled for ClearQuest, you must authenticate yourself in the ClearQuest database used by the project.

Connecting with single sign-on

When single sign-on is set, you can connect to ClearCase servers and ClearQuest user databases once and the information is saved across sessions. If your ClearCase and ClearQuest passwords are identical, you need to login only once per session to connect to the ClearCase server and the ClearQuest user databases.

When you first start a session, you connect to a ClearCase server by entering a URL for the server, your user name and your password in the CCRC WAN window. You can also connect to a ClearQuest user database by entering your user name and your password in the ClearQuest window. The URLs and user names that you enter are saved across sessions.

If you are disconnected in the current session or if you exit and start a subsequent session, you must reconnect to the CCRC WAN server. The CCRC WAN window is populated with the server URL and user name that you entered in the previous session, and you must enter your password. If you successfully connect to the server and your ClearCase password is identical to your ClearQuest password, you are silently connected to any user databases with saved login information. You are prompted with a ClearQuest window only if the silent login fails, and this window is populated with your saved login information.

Single sign-on is set by default. In the Preferences page, you can activate or deactivate the single sign-on option.

Note: If you do not plan to use the single sign-option and you have not set up your ClearCase and ClearQuest credentials to have matching passwords, clear the Reuse Credentials checkbox when you log in to speed the login process.