Using automatic associations

If the CQCC_AUTO_ASSOCIATE_ENABLE configuration parameter is enabled in the configuration file, the developers can specify one or more change requests to associate with a batch of files on checkout and checkin operations without the user interface being displayed. The integration uses the change requests that the developers specify rather than prompting them through the user interface. (The ApplyToAll mechanism in the integration user interface works only for files being versioned in a single checkin or checkout command.) With this option, the developers can handle large batches of files in multiple checkin and checkout commands.

The developers can set the CQCC_AUTO_ASSOCIATE environment variable to the associations that they want to make and then start either cleartool, File Browser, or DevOps Code ClearCase® Explorer. The following values are recognized:

  • To specify change requests, the developer uses the same conventions that are used in the Type In option in the user interface. For example:

    The value "SAMPL1,2,3" identifies change request IDs 1, 2, and 3 in the SAMPL user database.

  • To disable the option, the developer uses "".
  • To select no change requests, the developer specifies "-".

The values that they specify remain in effect until they disable the option. For example:


On checkin operations, the integration uses the values that they specify with this option to override associations that they made on checkouts. If an error occurs, the integration displays the related messages and starts the user interface for associating change requests.