Supported DevOps Code ClearCase configurations in multiple language environments

Supported DevOps Code ClearCase® configurations for environments that use multiple languages are described in the following table.

A subset of supported configurations is listed in the following table. Requirements for these configurations are as follows:
  • All user input must be represented identically in the system code pages of all interconnected clients and servers. User input that must be represented identically requires either that all clients and servers use the same system code page or that all data is representable in 7-bit ASCII format. The user input includes:
    • Namespace objects such as VOB and view names.
    • Metadata such as labels.
    • Passwords: This includes passwords stored in a domain controller, NIS server, or other network user database.
  • In environments that run the ClearTeam® Explorer that uses the DevOps CCRC WAN server, the view server, and the VOB server; and the clients that access them must use a compatible character-set encoding.
  • All references to English denote en-US.
  • All references to IBM® Group-1 languages include the following languages:
    • Brazilian Portuguese
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Spanish
    • Traditional Chinese
Table 1. Supported DevOps Code ClearCase configurations for multiple Language Environments
Product Supported configurations
DevOps Code ClearCase
VOB servers that run English or Japanese operating systems can support:
  • English clients that act as view server hosts and run English operating systems
  • Japanese clients that act as view server hosts and run Japanese operating systems
VOB and view servers that run English or Japanese operating systems can support:
  • English clients that run English operating systems
  • Japanese clients that run Japanese operating systems
ClearCase Remote Client
  • English VOB servers that run English operating systems
  • English ClearTeam Explorer servers that act as view server hosts and run English operating systems
Clients that access the CCRC WAN servers:
  • English ClearTeam Explorer clients that run English operating systems
  • IBM Group-1 language ClearCase Remote Client clients that run IBM Group-1 language operating systems
DevOps Code ClearCase integration with Rational® ClearQuest®
  • English VOB servers that run English operating systems
  • Japanese Rational ClearQuest database servers that run Japanese operating systems and use Japanese code pages
Clients for which the integration is enabled:
  • English DevOps Code ClearCase clients that act as view server hosts and run English operating systems
  • Japanese DevOps Code ClearCase clients that run Japanese operating systems
ClearCase Remote Client integration with Rational ClearQuest
  • English VOB servers that run English operating systems
  • IBM Group-1 language Rational ClearQuest database servers that run IBM Group-1 language operating systems and use IBM Group-1 language code pages
  • English ClearCase Remote Client servers and view servers that run English operating systems and for which the integration is enabled
Clients that access the ClearCase Remote Client servers:
  • English ClearCase Remote Client clients that run English operating systems
  • IBM Group-1 language ClearCase Remote Client clients that run IBM Group-1 language operating systems