Prerequisites for installing on Oracle Solaris 11 platforms

On Oracle Solaris 11 systems, installing and configuring DevOps Code ClearCase® requires some Oracle Solaris 11 system software packages that might not be installed by default. These packages must be available before you install ClearCase.

Before installing DevOps Code ClearCase on an Oracle Solaris 11 platform, make sure these Oracle Solaris 11 system software packages are installed.
  • pkg:/library/motif
  • pkg:/x11/library/libxevie
  • pkg:/x11/library/libxscrnsaver

These packages are part of Image Packaging System (IPS) introduced in Oracle Solaris 11 for system software installation and management.

Use this command to install the packages.
/usr/bin/pkg install pkg:<package name>
Note: For more information about the Image Packaging System, see the Oracle Solaris 11 documentation.