Gathering identities information

If you plan to create one or more identities- and permissions-preserving VOB replicas, you must ensure that the user and group information defined on the exporting and importing sites are coordinated appropriately. Otherwise, you could encounter import failures due to permissions problems.

About this task

If you plan to create one or more identities- and permissions-preserving VOB replicas, follow these steps:
  1. At the exporting site, gather the current VOB owner and group information and send it along with the packets created by mkreplica –export.
    1. Get the name of the VOB owner and VOB groups, using the cleartool describe command on the VOB object. In this example, the owner is ccadm and the group is user :
      cleartool describe vob:/vobs/dev
      versioned object base "/vobs/dev"
        created 15-Aug-03.14:19:03 by CC Admin (ccadm.user@minuteman)
        VOB family feature level: 4
        VOB storage host:pathname "minuteman:/vobstg/dev.vbs"
        VOB storage global pathname   "/net/minuteman/vobstg/dev.vbs"
        database schema version: 54
        VOB ownership:
    2. Translate the symbolic names to numbers.
      On Linux and the UNIX system, as the VOB owner, issue the id command. For example:
      su ccadm 
      Password: xxxxxx
      uid=1083(ccadm) gid=20(user)
      On Windows®, as the VOB owner, issue the ccase-home-dir\etc\utils\creds command. For example:
      C:\> "Program Files\DevOps\ClearCase\etc\utils\creds"
      Login name:    DOMAIN\vobadmin
      USID:          NT:S-1-5-21-1614895759-879983549-682003339-7649
      Primary group: DOMAIN\user (NT:S-1-5-21-1614895759-879983549-682003339-24329)
      Groups: (14)
          Everyone (NT:S-1-1-0)
          DOMAIN\ClearCase (NT NT:S-1-5-21-1614895759-879983549-682003339-11009)
          MACHINE\Debugger Users (NT:S-1-5-21-1022541879-4040408409-959485889-1006)
          BUILTIN\Administrators (NT:S-1-5-32-544)
          BUILTIN\Remote Desktop Users (NT:S-1-5-32-555)
          BUILTIN\Users (NT:S-1-5-32-545)
          NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users (NT:S-1-5-11)
          LOCAL (NT:S-1-2-0)
          DOMAIN\Domain Users (NT:S-1-5-21-1614895759-879983549-682003339-513)
      You have ClearCase® administrative privileges.
  2. At each importing site, ensure that the importing user’s user ID, primary group, and secondary groups match the information from the exporting site. This means that the user /group names and UID/GIDs on Linux or the UNIX system or the user /group names and SIDs on Windows must be the same on both sites.

    If they do not match, you must modify the user and group information to prevent import failures due to permissions problems. (These kinds of import failures are described in Preservation mode.)

    If the names are the same and the numbers are different, you must create nonpreserving or permissions-preserving replicas.