Group selection in replicas according to feature level

The group selection algorithm for VOBs at feature level 8 is different from the feature level 7 algorithm.

In a replicated VOB family at feature level 8, replicas that do not preserve identities use the following algorithm to select the element's group during replay of a mkelem oplog: if the importing replica is non-preserving, the new element or symbolic link is assigned the same group ownership as the initial containing directory element. Identity-preserving replicas also use this algorithm during an import at feature level 8 when the originating replica does not preserve identities.

At feature level 7 or lower, a non-identity preserving replica uses the VOB primary group during import of an element or symlink creation oplog; an identity-preserving replica uses the VOB primary group if the originating replica is not identity-preserving.

At all feature levels, new elements and symlinks created in identity-preserving replicas are replayed in other identity-preserving replicas using the group assigned during creation at the originating replica.