Managing rolemaps and policies: identity- and permissions-preserving replicas

Various considerations affect the administration of policies and rolemaps in fully preserving replicas.

Among identity- and permissions-preserving replicas of a VOB family, every policy and rolemap is replicated in its entirety. The bindings between controlled objects and their rolemap are also replicated. Thus, the same access controls are enforced for all replicas in the family.

You can manage policies and rolemaps at one replica, then replicate the changes to other replicas. Assignments of controlled objects to their rolemaps are fully replicated within the preserving set of replicas. To manage policies and rolemaps at multiple replicas, you must transfer mastership of each policy and rolemap to the replica at which it is to be managed.

If you are creating a new preserving replica, you must create the replica export packet from an existing preserving replica. You cannot create a preserving replica from a non-preserving replica because the latter does not have the same permissions settings of a preserving replica.

When you use rmrepelica to dereplicate a feature level 8 VOB family, the last remaining (now unreplicated) VOB is set to fully preserving. (At lower feature levels, the last VOB retains the preserving mode that it had as a member of its old family.) Additionally, if a currently unreplicated VOB is non-preserving, at feature level 8 and higher you can use the chreplica command to make it fully preserving.

In replicated VOB families at feature level 8 or higher, you cannot modify a non-preserving replica to become fully preserving if any member of the VOB family is known to be fully preserving. If the local replica believes that all members of the VOB family are non-preserving, you may make it fully preserving only if it masters the VOB object.

A special situation arises if the entire VOB family appears to be non-preserving and the local replica has an epoch number of 0 for one or more siblings. It is possible that such a sibling may be a new replica that was imported as fully preserving, and the local replica has not yet imported the modreplica oplog that marks it as such. A warning is displayed if MultiSite detects an epoch number of 0 for a non-preserving sibling, and you are prompted to confirm that you wish to continue with the chreplica operation.
Note: The container of an element is protected with the identical ACL setting in its siblings.