export_sync scrubbing

export_sync records are not necessary for normal synchronization operation. They are different from export event records, which also record synchronization exports and are included in output from the lshistory command and the History Browser.

export_sync records are date-based records used by the recoverpacket command to reset a replica’s epoch number matrix. If you do not use this packet recovery method (because you use chepoch –actual or lsepoch/chepoch), you can scrub these records aggressively. If you use the recoverpacket command, you must keep export_sync records for the number of days that elapse between backups.

By default, the vob_scrubber_params file has no entry for export_sync records, and these records are scrubbed with the same frequency as oplog entries. If you want to scrub export_sync records at a different frequency than oplog entries, you can set the export_sync parameter in the vob_scrubber_params file. For more information, see the vob_scrubber reference page.